DISRESPECT: Mitt Romney Refuses to Say Donald Trump’s Name After Endorsement

Former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, who is running for U.S. Senate in Utah has received the endorsement of President Donald Trump.


In his Tweet thanking the President, Romney wouldn’t even say his name, and instead thanked “Mr. President.”

This endorsement from President Trump is extremely surprising. Romney and Trump have not had a very cordial past, with Romney insulting the President just last month.

Romney and Trump insulting eachother isn’t anything new. Romney has, up until he decided to run for U.S. Senate apparently, been a never Trumper for years. During the 2016 Presidential election, Romney even stated that he would not have accepted Trump’s endorsement when he ran for President in 2012 if he had said the same things he says today about the KKK, which Trump has continuously denounced. (I didn’t realize Mitt Romney was so opposed to denouncing the KKK.)

But, with these insults, President Trump continually fired back, both on Twitter and during campaign speeches. During one campaign rally in 2016, President Trump off at Romney, stating:

“I watched this poor, sad Mitt Romney this morning,” Trump said. “I don’t think he knows what misogynist is, he suffers from — and he’s sitting like a real stiff. Don’t forget this guy let us down, folks, he choked and he let us down. The guy’s a stone cold loser. He choked, and when you’re a choker, you can never get a choker a second chance, it’s too important. A choker is a choker, you see it in sports. You see it in sports, folks. When the guy misses the kick you get rid of him, you get another one in there.”

On Twitter, Trump made insulting Romney a regular occurrence:




Maybe Romney begged Trump for his endorsement this time around. There aren’t many other explanations for this endorsement.

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