EQUITY: Baltimore Passes Students Who Failed During the 2020-21 School Year on to the Next Grade
The city of Baltimore announced that it will pass students who failed during the 2020-21 school year to the next grade anyway, further cheapening educational standards in the name of equity.
Baltimore City Public Schools CEO Sonja Santelises made the announcement during a virtual school board meeting on Tuesday.
“As we approach the end of the 2020-2021 school year, we all recognize that students have experienced incredibly significant challenges and interruptions in their learning,” Santelises said.
“With that in mind, the district has developed a fair and straightforward process for evaluating and recording students’ progress in the current school year,” she added.
Members of the school and community have made it clear that the “unique circumstances” that “black people have faced” were crucial in this decision of eliminating educational standards and passing failed students onto the next grade.
“We are going to avoid the punitive approach to failing students and the default reaction to unfairly retain students,” Baltimore City Schools Chief Academic Officer Joan Dabrowski said about her school district’s decision to abandon standards.
“Instead, we are going to … commit to our students as we plan for a multi-year academic recovery,” she added.
Under the new policy, the grading system will not change for preschool, kindergarten or first-grade students. Students from grades 2 on up, including middle school and high school students, will have their unsatisfactory or failing grades changed to “NC,” or not complete. They will be expected to complete these classes over the summer, but it is unclear if those standards will be enforced.
Big League Politics has reported on the predictable consequences of diversity and multiculturalism on the city of Baltimore:
“According to AWR Hawkins, 348 homicides took place in Baltimore in 2019.
The police in this period only made 89 arrests.
Per a Baltimore Sun report, a similar ratio of homicides to arrests or to cases that were resolved has stayed more or less at low rates as far back as 2015. It notes, “From 2015 to 2019, a stunning 1,660 people were killed in Baltimore. Just 654 cases were solved, a five-year clearance rate of less than 40%.”
Put simply, law enforcement got to the bottom of four out of ten Baltimore homicides annually for the aforementioned, four-year period.
In 2019, 83 out of the 89 arrests made resulted in convictions.
The Sun alluded to 2014, pointing out that Baltimore “homicide detectives were taking the lead on an average of four new homicide cases per year, and had an average individual clearance rate of 46%.” However, in 2015 “they were handling eight new cases each — and their average clearance rate had dropped to 22%.”
Researchers who investigated Baltimore Police Department’s homicide division in 2016 “found no clear policies and procedures for conducting investigations.”
They also found out that “detectives did not get careful supervision to ensure critical investigative steps were being completed in every case.”‘
Baltimore residents are learning about what the leftist concept of “equity” in the classroom is all about. It is about bringing all exceptional students down to the levels of the lowest common denominator. All so certain groups can avoid taking personal responsibility for their own failures.