Establishment Swamp Creature Lindsey Graham Congratulates “Sleepy” Joe Biden for his Primary Victor
Joe Biden’s decisive victory in the South Carolina Primaries on February 28, 2020 earned him praise not only from the leftist mainstream press, but also establishment Republicans like South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
On February 29, 2020, Graham tweeted “Congratulations to Joe and Jill Biden, and the entire Biden team, on the well deserved big win in the #SCDemocraticPrimary. Best of luck in the future. #Socialism goes down hard tonight in South Carolina.”
Then, conservative commentator Mark Levin quote tweeted Graham on March 1, 2020.
He asked in a tweet, “Does this sound like Lindsey Graham is going to investigate the Bidens as he has repeatedly said he would?”
Say what you want about Levin’s establishment ways and banal conservative commentary, he does raise a valid point.
Throughout the impeachment charade, Graham insisted that he would launch an investigation into the Bidens’ business dealings in Ukraine. So far, nothing has materialized.
This could ultimately be just hot air given Graham’s establishment tendencies on issues ranging from gun rights to immigration.
Conservatives have every reason to be skeptical about Graham’s sincerity and should start recognizing that his pro-MAGA rhetoric is a political ploy to build credibility with the grassroots while stabbing them in the back behind the scenes.
Graham is a swamp creature who loves consorting with neoliberal counterparts such as Joe Biden, so it’s no surprise why Graham would praise the former Vice President after recent elections.
Conservatives will have to come to the realization that Graham is likely pulling off an act that unfortunately many people will fall for.