EXCLUSIVE: How Mueller Has Been Silencing Whistleblowers To Set Up Fake Special Counsels For Years

During his twelve-year reign as FBI Director, Robert Mueller not only protected his criminal friends by silencing those who could expose their bad acts, he projected his friends’ crimes onto others in order to fraudulently appoint a Special Counsel. And the FISA court judge Reggie Walton — who was hacked by Obama officials John Brennan and James Clapper, according to whistleblower evidence — has been involved in more than one of these plots.
There is no better Deep State tool for punishing your enemies than a fraudulent Special Counsel (who is not accountable to anyone) with an unlimited budget and no deadline. Mueller is responsible for two such Special Counsel appointments.
First, there is Uranium One – the only genuine Russian Collusion case.
Whistleblower William Douglas Campbell, an American businessman, infiltrated Russia’s State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Rosatom, where he posed as a consultant while working undercover for the FBI to gather and document criminal activity in the Russian plot to control twenty percent of the known U.S. uranium reserve.
From 2005-2013, and at great personal risk, Campbell documented bribery and money laundering that should have prevented the deal, now known as Uranium One, from being approved by senior officials in the Obama Administration. But it didn’t.
With the help of Mueller, President Obama, and Secretary of State Clinton, the deal was completed in 2013. Throughout the course of this transaction, the Clinton Foundation received a $31,000,000 donation and a pledge for another $100 million from Frank Giustra, a Clinton friend and a principal in the Uranium One deal who personally benefited from the sale.
William Campbell has a story to tell, but, to date, only a closed-door Congressional committee has heard it. Why? Because then FBI Director Mueller forbid Campbell from going public with his story. And Attorney General Lynch backed Mueller’s play by threatening Campbell’s liberty if he did go public. In other words, Mueller was successful in gagging the whistleblower.
And that might have ended the story, except when Hillary’s private server was discovered it presented Clinton, Obama and Mueller with a problem.
The problem was fixed when Mueller’s FBI Director job went to his protege James Comey – a man who is, like Mueller, heralded by the Deep State media as an intrepid, incorruptible crime fighter.
Comey solved the problem by declaring himself judge and jury in exonerating Clinton of any criminal guilt. Then, he ensured that his mentor, Mueller, was appointed Special Counsel to investigate Trump and his friends for what we now know are made-up crimes.
So, Campbell was gagged, and the nation’s attention was diverted from Uranium One to the trumped-up Russian Collusion narrative. That attention remains diverted to this day, while another U.S. Attorney, originally appointed by President Obama, is allegedly investigating Uranium One. But is he?
John Huber, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah kept his job after Trump was elected. Then, in March 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that he had tasked Huber – according to The Hill that happened “apparently back in the Fall” of 2017 – to investigate Uranium One.
The Hill described Huber as “a no-nonsense prosecutor.” Upon hearing of Huber’s appointment, a retired FBI Agent in Utah told us that “Huber is a fixer,” suggesting that nothing would happen with him in charge of the investigation. So far, that prediction is accurate. Huber has yet to even interview Campbell. In depth investigation, not.
Meanwhile, the gagging of Campbell illustrates how the Gag’em Chapter in the Deep State Playbook works. But it wasn’t the first time Mueller used it.
In Plamegate a woman named Sibel Edmonds was gagged so effectively that the media took virtually no interest in her.
In 2001-2002, Edmonds was an FBI contract translator with language capabilities in Azerbaijani, Turkish, and Persian. Her job was to translate FBI surveillance and wiretaps, including illegal recordings of U.S citizens, members of Congress and senior government officials. What she heard made her want to expose the illegal wiretaps.
Exposure is what the Deep State fears most. So, Mueller had Edmonds gagged. Not once but twice under the State Secrets Protection Act.
The second time was to conceal that Attorney General John Ashcroft and other high-ranking government officials knew that Mueller’s Plamegate “investigation” was a hoax.
The judge selected by the Deep State to enforce the gagging of Edmonds was Reggie Walton. He also sat on the bench in the Scooter Libby trial. (RELATED: Brennan and Clapper Hacked FISA Court Judge Reggie Walton; Comey Covered It Up).
One of the “secrets” that Mueller did not want Edmonds to expose was that the FBI has a 2001 recording of Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman outing Plame’s identity as a CIA employee to a Turkish diplomat. This was long before Richard Armitage claimed he “accidently” outed Plame to Robert Novak.
Silencing Edmonds enabled Mueller to position his protégé, Deputy Attorney General James Comey, to eventually appoint their mutual, close friend, U.S Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, as the Special Counsel tasked to discover who leaked Plame’s identity as a CIA employee. Everyone with a need to know already knew the original leaker was Grossman. But the public didn’t need to know, and so the spin-up to the lengthy Plamegate puppet show began.
Unfortunately for Mueller, in August 2009 Edmonds testified under oath in a deposition in Schmidt v. Krikorian. She said she listened to an audio recording wherein Grossman revealed Plame’s CIA employment to a representative of a foreign government.
(Grossman testimony begins at 6 minute mark)
Edmonds’ sworn testimony has never been challenged, disputed nor mentioned by anyone in the MSM or the government. It was as though it never happened – but it did.
Edmonds received a thinly-veiled threat from Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder before she testified. Clearly, she wasn’t intimidated by this effort to keep her silent; however, very few journalists took notice of her testimony. Journalists friendly to the Deep State know when to self-gag.
This was just another example of the Gag’em Chapter in the Deep State Playbook.