EXECUTION STYLE: Elderly Couple Sniped to Death at a Veterans’ Cemetery While Visiting Their Son’s Grave

A married couple was murdered in cold blood by a sniper while mourning their dead son in a veterans’ cemetery on Friday.

The 85-year-old woman was pronounced dead on the scene, and her 86-year-old husband was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead on Saturday. They were murdered by 29-year-old Sheldon C. Francis, who hunted the two elderly people and targeted them while they were most vulnerable.

This heinous crime will not get much coverage from the fake news media though, because the victims were white and the perpetrator was black.

Francis was killed after a firefight with police not too long after committing his heinous act. Officers chased him into a remote area in the woods and they exchanged gunfire. Francis’ body was found at approximately 4 p.m. on Friday in the Brennen Estates neighborhood bordering the veteran’s cemetery where he gunned down the elderly people.

Big League Politics reported earlier this year on the case of a black mass shooter who the fake news media attempted to paint in a sympathetic light because of the supposed racism he experienced on the job:

Last week, an African-American shooter murdered five of his former co-workers, all of whom just so happened to be of a different race than the killer, at the Molson Coors Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisc.

If this had been a Caucasian shooter targeting co-workers of a different race, there would have been wall-to-wall coverage about the racist intent of the shooter. However, since the shoe was on the other foot, the fake news media turned their eye on the supposedly racist atmosphere at the brewery as being the reasoning behind the shooting.

The perpetrator of the heinous murders, 51-year-old electrician Anthony N. Ferrill, had a long history of whining about alleged and unproven racist acts happening to him on the job.

“The dispute may have had racial overtones. Ferrill was African American, and accused the brewery of discriminating against him. He had talked of suing the company, the worker said. Ferrill had complained that employees were coming into his home, bugging his computer, moving chairs around,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Instead of dismissing these accusations as the ravings of a madman, the fake news ran with them and used them in an attempt to paint the killer in a sympathetic light.

CNN ran a story titled “Noose once placed on locker of shooter at Molson Coors, company says” while the Washington Post ran a story titled “Noose found on gunman’s locker at Milwaukee Coors facility years before deadly shooting.”

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