Facebook and YouTube Pull a Big Brother by Removing “Plandemic” Video

On May 7, 2020, Facebook Inc and YouTube announced that they removed a video that allegedly made “medically unsubstantiated” claims with regards to the Wuhan virus pandemic.
The 26-minute long video titled “Plandemic” gained tremendous traction the past week all throughout social media platforms. It has clips of Judy Mikovits, a vaccine skeptic, who believes that a significant portion of vaccines are dangerous.
Mikovits expresses skepticism towards mask wearing, criticized shutdown orders, and other restrictions that keep people from congregating at venues such as beaches.
In the video, Mikovits describes the Wuhan virus as a conspiracy devised by people attempting to profit from vaccines. She also expressed various concerns about vaccines and the unintended consequences they could bring about.
The Wuhan virus surfaced in late 2019 and there has been no vaccine developed and or cure for it so far.
YouTube announced that it was working to take down the video in accordance with its rules against “content that includes medically unsubstantiated diagnostic advice” about the Wuhan virus.
However, on May 7, there were still slightly edited copies of the original video available on YouTube.
Twitter Inc announced that it had blocked users from tweeting out the hashtags #PlagueOfCorruption and #Plandemicmovie, but said that content in a shorter clip that was posted on its platform was not in violation of its policy against Wuhan virus “misinformation.”
This is par for the course for social media giants’ desire to censor online speech.
They have a track record of doing so with regards to polarizing issues such as the right to bear arms.
Now, they’re taking advantage of a generalized crisis to ram their agenda through.
There will need to be significant reforms of policies such as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in order to keep social media titans from completely shutting out dissident voices.