Facebook Sad That President Trump Didn’t Invite Them To Social Media Summit

President Donald Trump’s White House has decided not to invite Facebook or Twitter to its Social Media Summit featuring populist content creators.

Bill Mitchell, a prominent journalist and Internet host, is attending the Summit, which Mark Zuckerberg was not invited to.

Facebook is apparently so upset that their confirmation of the snub prompted mainstream press coverage.

Silicon Valley has been cracking down on pro-Trump journalism on social media.

Big League Politics has joined the social media startup Parler as an official partner.

BLP reported:

Facebook’s chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg does not seem to care about the impression, shared by a vast cross-section of the country, that Facebook is a left-wing social engineering tool that seeks to crush all intellectual opposition to the corporate progressive totalitarian agenda. (READ: Sandberg Told Podesta She Wanted Hillary To Win Badly).

Sandberg gave a $1 million donation to the political wing of Planned Parenthood in response to heartbeat bills that prohibit killing unborn babies with heartbeats. The bills are getting signed by Republicans around the country, including by Georgia’s great governor Brian Kemp.

“I think this is a very urgent moment where the rights and the choices and the basic health of the most vulnerable women — the women who have been marginalized, often women of color — are at stake. And so all of us have to do our part to fight these draconian laws,” Sandberg told the Huffington Post.

The conservative group The Libnorants was recently deleted by Facebook altogether, which is an all-too-common occurrence. Facebook routinely censors anyone on its platform who does not adhere to the progressive agenda, which is simultaneously militant on social issues and also on so-called “conspiracy theories” that the corporate media does not want people to know about.


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