Fake News Commissars Organize Snitching Campaign Against Anti-Lockdown Party App

A gang of leftists are organizing a social media harassment campaign against a cell phone app that is helping people set up underground parties to subvert COVID-19 tyranny.

New York Times reporter Taylor Lorenz made a Twitter post to gin up a digital lynch mob to prevent the party app, Vybe, from being used to thwart unconstitutional lockdown policies:


This caused the digital lynch mob to form, with dozens of willing apparatchiks working as the fun police to destroy market innovation:


The infamous commercial terrorism organization, Sleeping Giants, predictably joined in the witch hunt:

Having received their orders, the spin machine of the fake news media has set their sights on Vybe.

The Daily Beast wrote that “officials and health experts have increasingly agreed in recent weeks that the tiniest of gatherings, and even spread within households, are a major force behind the ongoing pandemic nightmare” in their article criticizing Vybe.

A report from The Verge noted that Vybe has been removed from the Apple store and TikTok has removed the app’s page from their platform. Yet again, the left-wing extremists are winning while liberty lovers are getting the shaft.

Big League Politics reported on how the New York Young Republicans were attacked by government officials for exercising their 1st Amendment rights in a manner that offended the Democrat New York and New Jersey governors:

New York Young Republicans (NYYRs) president Gavin Wax is being harassed, threatened and banned from social media following his organization’s successful event last night featuring journalist James O’Keefe and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)…

In addition, ANTIFA terrorists are targeting Wax’s neighborhood to dox him with false and misleading characterizations – opening him up to harassment or violence from extremists…

The ANTIFA campaign of terror against Wax coincides with many vicious attacks he has received from public officials. Governor Andrew Cuomo has had his bureaucratic goons attack Wax and the NYYRs for refusing to buckle against intense pressure…

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy went Full Gestapo and said he would have police “investigate” the Young Republicans meeting and issued some lame tough talk against Gaetz as well…

Jersey City Prosecutor Jake Hudnut flagrantly abused his power, closing down the restaurant that hosted the event in a power play against his political opponents…

Wax talked to Big League Politics about the insanity that is going on in New York and New Jersey. He is emboldened by the push back from anti-American Democrats, who are ripping off the veil and showing they are naked tyrants, and intends to keep up the fight.

“We did not back down against the assault on our 1st Amendment rights by New York Governor Cuomo and his goons, and we will not back down against New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and his thugs either,” said Wax, who is considering defamation suits against deranged Democrat officials who are putting his safety in danger with their unhinged rhetoric.

“We encourage other groups to stand against these petty tyrants and their exploitation of fear over a virus with a 99.9 percent recovery rate. We need widespread civil disobedience to save the Bill of Rights and Constitution,” he continued.

“If anyone has anything to answer for, it is governors Cuomo and Murphy for putting COVID patients into nursing homes and facilitating a genocide of our most vulnerable so they could consolidate power and hurt President Trump,” Wax added.

The Democrats have emerged as a worse threat to the Bill of Rights and Constitution than ISIS or any foreign threat could ever hope to be. They are the enemy combatants, and they must be vanquished before Western Civilization dies.

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