FBI Photo: James Comey Had ‘CLINTON EMAILS’ Binder In His Office Safe, Which Investigators Should Look Into


James Comey stashed a white binder officially marked “CLINTON EMAILS” in his office safe, which is something that investigators should definitely be looking into as President Donald Trump shifts the focus of our national “Russia” nightmare onto the Democrats who cooked up an intricate plot to frame Trump.

I broke the story:

Former FBI director James Comey had a white binder marked “Clinton Emails” in his office on May 16, 2017, a few days after he was fired, as the Department of Justice was trying to get back the items in Comey’s office safe. (READ: Comey Had Hillary’s Backup Email Device).

The FBI officially released the DOJ’s “Inventory” Receipt for Property documents listing the stuff Comey had in his office safe.

Look below at Inventory Item #17, which originally said “TOP SECRET,” then that marking was crossed out. In its final form, it says:

‘White Binder – CLINTON EMAILS’

Here’s the scoop provided to Big League Politics by whistleblower Mark Pullen:

In the exit documents for James Comey’s departure from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a page among the documents showed Comey had a binder in his safe that contained Hillary Clinton’s emails. The document does not show what medium was used to store the emails within the binder. The binder could have had sleeved pages for CDs which could have had Clinton’s email to include the missing emails that were Bleach-Bit wiped by Paul Combetta while the server was under a subpoena order from Congress to preserve. In the FBI’s report on Clinton’s mishandling of Classified information, it has a page from then FBI agent Peter Strzok to the National Security Agency: an order to preserve any emails sent to or from @clintonemails.com. We know from Edward Snowden’s disclosures that the NSA captures all email traffic within the United States. I am sure the NSA had all of Clinton’s emails even the ones she had deleted. The questions are, did Strzok take sole possession of the emails for the FBI? Were those emails in Comey’s safe the copies from the NSA? Comey said he expected a Clinton victory in the presidential election. Was Comey holding these emails as leverage over a possible future president Hillary Clinton to retain his position as the director of the FBI?

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