First Lady Honors Foster Care Children As Whistleblowers Expose Human Trafficking

First Lady Melania Trump honored West Virginia children who are locked up in foster care Monday, as more whistleblowers speak out about Child Protective Services’ tyranny following a State Department report showing that the foster care system is a top breeding ground for human traffickers. (WATCH: CPS Whistleblowers and Parents Speak Out).
First Lady Melania Trump walks through 453 American flags, each representing a child in foster care in Cabell County, West Virginia. ???????? #PoweroftheFirstLady #BeBest
— FLOTUS Report (@MELANIAJTRUMP) July 8, 2019
Whistleblowers including parents who have had their children taken away by Child Protective Services (CPS) spoke out about human trafficking and the sinister consequences of children being separated from their parents by the federal government.
On Sunday night’s episode of The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley on Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream ( at 6-8 PM ET), parents and activists and callers shined a light on Child Protective Services, which now takes children away from parents if they don’t get them vaccinated or bring them to the dentist — or for literally no stated reason at all, even when it comes to newborns at the hospital. The State Department’s human trafficking report of 2019 confirms that the foster care system is a farm system for human traffickers.
A father in Ohio described how his daughter was taken away and placed in foster care where she interacted with victims of sex trafficking. It turns out that CPS used so-called predictive analytics to figure out, using computers, that he was supposedly a risky parent — and CPS is using this program in states all over the country.
A mother in Colorado named Cyndie Abcug is on Day 53 of her fight to get her autistic son back after CPS took him away, accusing her of possibly mis-diagnosing him — similar to the case in Texas where
Activist Olivia Pleasant walked us through the tactics that CPS uses, and reveals the existence of foster “jails” near the border to house illegal immigrant children. Here is her White House petition demanding that President Trump address this crisis.
Child Protective Services (CPS) recently removed a four-year old child from his parents in Texas because the parents wanted a hospital to treat their son for autism, and the hospital claimed that the parents were engaging in “medical child abuse” by seeking “unnecessary medical treatment.”
Yesterday, July 2, Judge B. Michael Chitty ruled against Ashley and Daniel Pardo of Kaufman County and in favor of Child Protective Services (CPS) who removed their four-year-old son, Drake, from their home on June 20…
State Senator Bob Hall (R-Edgewood), who attended the hearing on Tuesday, said the ruling was “the most egregious display of injustice” that he has seen. Hall said CPS had “zero evidence” in their case against the family.
According to a phone call with the family’s lawyer before the hearing, the Pardos discovered after Drake was removed that the allegations made against them were of medical child abuse, referring to a situation wherein parents exaggerate or even contrive medical conditions of their child…
A doctor from the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas had initially signed the CPS affidavit making the allegations.
One specific point of concern for the doctor was the parents’ claim that their son had autism since the doctor was not aware of any comprehensive diagnosis.”
The Texan passage ends
The entire story is infuriating beyond belief, and of course the parents — who have a gag order against them — are fighting on to get their son back.
Child Protective Services is becoming more and more tyrannical in the lives of families, as we see children snatched from their parents by the government for all kinds of reasons.
Parents can have their parental custody jeopardized by choosing not to vaccinate their children or not taking their kids to the dentist for a certain period of time.
In Pennsylvania, a law allows pediatric dentists to shake down families on threat of reporting them. Act 31 was put forth in 2014 in the state of Pennsylvania.
Due to a law signed by Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo banning religious exemptions for vaccines, the Deer Park School District is making it known that if parents don’t vaccinate their kids then the school district calls Child Protective Services (h/t @planetjen).
The State Department’s annual report on human trafficking pinpointed the prevalence of foster care history among child sex trafficking victims in the United States.
While in many other countries, the report listed foster care among the tools used to protect victims of human trafficking, “in the United States, traffickers prey upon children in the foster care system,” it stated (pdf).
“Recent reports have consistently indicated that a large number of victims of child sex trafficking were at one time in the foster care system.”
Just one federally funded trafficking hotline received nearly 120,000 calls, texts, and other messages and identified close to 11,000 potential trafficking cases in fiscal 2018. The hotline reported more than 3,400 cases to law enforcement and was notified about more than 1,000 investigations that were opened as a result.
Among people vulnerable to trafficking in the United States, the report listed children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, including foster care; runaway and homeless youth; unaccompanied foreign national children without lawful immigration status; American Indians and Alaska Natives; and drug addicts.