FLASHBACK: Ketanji Brown Jackson Sentenced The Pizzagate Gunman

Is this a coincidence and nothing more? It turns out that Biden’s latest radical SCOTUS nominee, Kentanji Brown Jackson, has a history that goes beyond just handing out exceptionally short sentences for child pornographers that fall greatly below federal minimums.
As some already know, Jackson previously served as a federal judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. It was during this time when Jackson encountered what some consider to be a major political event; the district court judge oversaw the case of the ‘Pizzagate’ gunman who had entered Washington, D.C. restaurant Comet Ping Pong before firing an AR-15. The gunman stated that he was motivated by allegations that the restaurant was hosting bad actors involved with human trafficking.
Upon announcing the gunman’s sentencing, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for D.C. made a statement that he “carried a loaded AR-15 assault rifle and a revolver into a Northwest Washington pizza restaurant, scattering employees and customers, and fired his assault rifle into a door.”
Judge Jackson called “the extent of the recklessness” of the defendant’s actions “breathtaking” as she sentenced Welch at the time, ABC News reported.
“No matter how well-intentioned, people are not allowed to take matters into their own hands,” she said.
The notoriety of the story coupled with Jackson’s relevance given her ongoing confirmation process has drawn attention from some conservative commentators, perhaps most notably Steven Crowder. Crowder discussed these findings in a recent episode of his show:
“Same judge who sentenced the Pizzagate shooter, in case you have forgotten about this. So another interesting — that’s the greatest qualification for Brown Jackson,” Crowder said of Jackson.
“For all the hubbub about Pizzagate, you know, you would think it was this massive scale shooting,” Crowder further said during his show. “But he only shot at a closet with a computer inside. Which also, why would there be, why would you need a closet with a computer inside it at a pizza parlor?”
The gunman’s defense attorney, Dani Jahn, reportedly pleaded passionately for a lighter sentence for her client, arguing that 18 months would be long enough for a sufficient sentence.
“He is extremely remorseful and it is sincere and it is significant,” she added.