FLASHBACK: Louis Farrakhan’s Nation Of Islam Invited Neo-Nazis To Conferences

In the 1960’s, the Nation of Islam, under the leadership of the groups founder, Elijah Muhammad, formed a surprising alliance with the American Nazi Party. Their alliance was so strong that American Nazi Party Commander George Lincoln Rockwell was invited to their national summit in 1961, held in Washington, D.C.

Rockwell, with two other members of the neo-Nazi party, were husked in to the event by private security, and given seats near the stage center. Eight thousand black Muslims flanked the three of them as they listened to speakers such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X, who many see as the mentor to Louis Farrakhan, who currently leads the Nation Of Islam.

George Lincoln Rockwell and members of the American Nazi Party attend a Nation of Islam summit in 1961.

The content of the speeches being given make it clear exactly why this alliance came to fruition. Malcolm X’s talk on the convention floor was titled “Separation or Death,” where he proclaims that “Muslims are not for integration and not for segregation.” He then asked the crowd what they were for, leading to a unified reply of “separation!” in which Rockwell and the rest of the neo-Nazis joined in.

Rockwell directly confirmed why they were in attendance, telling reporters he considers Muslims “black Nazis.”

“I am fully in concert with their program and I have the highest respect for Mr. Elijah Muhammad”. Rockwell said, only pointing out one problem he has with them. ‘‘They want a chunk of America and I prefer that they go to Africa.”

Rockwell was so impressed by the Nation of Islam that he ended up leaving a $20 donation when the crowd was asked for contributions.

This is relevant in modern day because of the Nation of Islam’s influence in the Democrat Party.

Former President Barack Obama met with Farrakhan in 2005, just 3 years before taking power as President. The picture of the two of them was not released until after Obama left office, as it would likely have damaged his campaign if released earlier.

Obama meeting with Louis Farrakhan in 2005

Farrkhan also attended the funeral of Aretha Franklin, where he was pictured standing next to “civil rights leaders” Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, as well as former President Bill Clinton.


And in the upcoming midterm elections, some candidates even have direct ties to Farrakhan. Despite trying to distance himself, Deputy Vice Chair of the Democratic Party Keith Ellison has a long history of associating with Farrakhan. The Washington Post fact checked his claims that he “has no relationship” with Farrakhan, giving Ellison a truth rating of “Four Pinocchios.”

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