Georgia House Speaker Accused of Abusing Power To Enrich His Law Firm
ATLANTA, GEORGIA — A prominent Georgia lawmaker is abusing an outdated legal loophole regularly to enrich his private legal practice at the expense of justice, according to reports.
In more than 20 criminal cases, Speaker of Georgia State House of Representatives David Ralston asked for 55 continuances, citing the one-hundred-year-old “Legislative Leave Law” in every case, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Ralston is guilty of abusing the state’s antiquated “Legislative Leave Law” to enrich his private law practice by delaying justice in numerous criminal cases, including those involving rape, molestation, aggravated assault, murder, and much more, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
David Shell — a man with a long record of beating up women — was indicted by a grand jury as repeat offender, which could mean up to 20 years in prison for aggravated assault.
But more than four years after his indictment, Shell remains free, because he retained the legal services of Ralston (speaker of the Georgia House.)