Globalist U.S. Chamber of Commerce Lobbies to Take Jobs From American Workers and Give to Afghan Refugees

The globalist lobbying powerhouse, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is pushing relentlessly to take jobs from American workers and give them to Afghan refugees.

The group announced their Coalition for Afghan Refugee Employment in the U.S. on Wednesday and will help Afghan refugees displace native-born Americans within the country’s workforce.

“The Coalition will harness the capabilities and networks of the Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Center and Hiring Our Heroes initiative. Aided by the Foundation’s unparalleled ability to convene employers for greater collective impact in communities across the country, the Coalition aims to connect tens of thousands of Afghan refugees with the U.S. Chamber Foundation’s network of employers and employment readiness services over the next six months,” they wrote in their press release announcing the program.

They also announced their work with Welcome.US, a propaganda campaign to sell the public on these Afghan refugees taking jobs from American workers. Their National Welcome Counsel will consist of globalists such as U.S. Chamber Foundation President Carolyn Cawley, Obama’s U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Bush’s U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Chobani CEO Hamdi Ulukaya.

Best-selling author and right-wing firebrand Michelle Malkin said that “this is what the evil Swamp traitors at the US Chamber of Open Borders Commerce are up to” while posting excerpts of the press release on social media.

Big League Politics reported on how the Chamber of Commerce turned against President Trump and supported Democrats during the 2020 election cycle:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is turning its back on the Republican Party with President Trump as GOP figurehead and is increasingly backing Democrats, as the blue team becomes the establishment party for globalism and corporate dominance.

The Chamber is getting ready to endorse nearly a dozen House Democrats for re-election to U.S. Congress, as they use their lobbying muscle to re-fortify the Washington D.C. swamp. Some of the group’s conservatives donors are reportedly enraged as a result.

Chamber President Suzanne Clark, Chief Executive Officer Tom Donahue and Executive Vice President Neil Bradley hope that their hand-picked slate of candidate endorsements will be approved on Thursday at a committee meeting. As a result of this betrayal, donors are threatening to pull their money and board members are expected to quit the organization entirely.

State Chamber of Oklahoma President Chad Warmington voiced his opposition to the U.S. Chamber’s anticipated endorsement of Rep. Kendra Horn, whose seat could easily flip red this year, in a letter.

“I question how the U.S. Chamber could endorse a candidate who consistently voted against the largest industry in Oklahoma, employing over 90,000 workers throughout the state. That is hardly a pro-business record. I am also concerned the U.S. Chamber would endorse a congresswoman that voted in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who are not pro-business nearly 90 percent of the time,” Warmington wrote.

“I don’t believe an endorsement of Congresswoman Horn is warranted at this time and certainly not justifiable based on the current record of consequential votes impacting Oklahoma businesses,” he added.”

The Chamber of Commerce has been influential in selling out America to foreign interests. Republicans need to reject their influence and their corrupt money moving forward.

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