Gun Grabbers in the House Are Having a Party

Wednesday and Thursday have been a gun control bonanza for anti-gunners in the U.S. House.

First up, H.R 8, anti-gun Democrat’s universal gun registration bill, easily cleared the House on a 240-190 vote on Wednesday. It received bipartisan support from 8 Republicans — Peter King, Brian Fitzpatrick, Brian Mast, Fred Upton, Chris Smith, Vern Buchanan, Mario Diaz-Balart, and Will Hurd.

Then, on Thursday, H.R. 1112 was passed on a 228-198 vote. Three Republicans, Brian Fitzpatrick, Peter King, and Chris Smith, joined anti-gun Democrats in shepherding this bill through.  H.R.1112 closes the so-called “Charleston loophole” that Dylann Roof used to purchase the gun he used in the 2015 mass shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

The two bills are the most significant pieces of gun control legislation passed in the U.S. House since the Clinton era. Ever since the Brady Bill was signed in 1993, gun controllers have worked tirelessly to bring the country closer to gun registration.

The only silver lining is that the Republican-controlled Senate will likely present a major obstacle for the passage of any universal gun registration bills. It also helps that the Trump administration is ready to veto both of these bills.

However, the real fight may come against “red flag” gun confiscation orders, which actually have bipartisan support.

As anti-gun outrage grows by the day, federal gun control is no longer an imaginary threat.

Thankfully, the American system of checks and balances has come in handy at this point.

The more divided the government is on gun control, the better for gun rights.

In this case, gridlock is every gun owners’ best friend.

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