HYPOCRISY: Media Seeks to Spike Claims Against Fairfax After Spreading #MeToo Claims Against Republicans

Months after Brett Kavanaugh’s explosive confirmation hearings, mainstream media outlets are seeking to cast doubt upon accusations of sexual assault against Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax revealed by Big League Politics on Sunday.
In a Monday interview with Big League Politics Editor Patrick Howley, CBS News implied BLP should have declined to run the story, which documented a California college professor’s accusations that Fairfax assaulted her at the 2004 Democratic Convention.
Similarly, the New York Times has sought to scrutinize the exact process through which Big League Politics obtained its sources.
Fairfax has also stated that Washington Post declined to publish a story about the allegation.
Mainstream Media Launched Digital Mob On Justice Kavanaugh, Judge Moore
In September of 2018, the entire mainstream media hive descended upon the confirmation process of now-Justice Kavanaugh, on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations launched by Stanford Professor Christine Blasey Ford.
Similarly, the media treated accusations against Alabama Judge and Senate Candidate Roy Moore with unquestioning credibility. Moore accuser Leigh Corfman was in court the day she claims they met, because of her troubled past. Another accuser, Beverly Nelson, used a forged yearbook to advance her accusations against Moore.
The contrast between how the media treats accusations against a progressive Democrat in Virginia and prominent Republicans couldn’t be greater, in the face of strong evidence against Fairfax, and unsubstantiated claims against Kavanaugh and Moore.
In Alabama, “evidence” against Judge Moore consisted of previously unknown claims against a long-time public figure, launched by accusers of questionable credibility.
In the case of now-Justice Kavanaugh, Blasey Ford gave conflicting reports that witnesses declined to verify. In an even more wild accusation, Julie Swetnick accused Kavanaugh of being a gang rapist, with a similar lack of corroboration.
In each of these cases, the mainstream media rushed to report the allegations without the slightest hesitation about their veracity. Their rush to convict doesn’t seem to apply towards Virginia’s beleaguered Lieutenant Governor.