IDIOCRACY: Weak Feminist Snowflakes are Already Complaining about Sexual Harassment in the ‘Metaverse’

It was inevitable: weak pathetic social justice warrior snowflakes are already complaining about so-called sexual assault in the metaverse.

The metaverse, a concoction of the Tech Overlords to create a Matrix-like slave grid to entrap and dominate humanity, has gone live, and feminists are already complaining that their virtual boundaries are being exploited.

“Sexual harassment is no joke on the regular internet, but being in VR adds another layer that makes the event more intense,” a user wrote in Facebook’s official Horizon group, according to reporting from The Verge. “Not only was I groped last night, but there were other people there who supported this behavior which made me feel isolated in the Plaza.”

Vivek Sharma, who is the VP for the Facebook Meta project, Horizon Worlds, said that the corporation is working on placating these silly concerns from histrionic females.

“That’s good feedback still for us because I want to make [the Safe Zone feature] trivially easy and findable,” Sharma said.

But this isn’t enough, according to the critics. They want tyranny imposed on the virtual realm because digital sexual harassment is their newest cause du jour to whine about.

“I think people should keep in mind that sexual harassment has never had to be a physical thing,” Jesse Fox, an associate professor at Ohio State University, said to MIT Technology Review. “It can be verbal, and yes, it can be a virtual experience as well.”

A Bloomberg columnist claimed that she felt threatened by male avatars taking pictures of her avatar while exploring the metaverse.

“One by one, they began handing the photos to me,” Olson said. “The experience was awkward and I felt a bit like a specimen.”

Big League Politics has reported on Facebook’s bias against white people and men as they inflict their Draconian censorship regime:

Algorithms utilized by Facebook to censor what the Big Tech monopoly defines as hate speech detect overwhelmingly greater bias and prejudice against white people and men, according to reporting on Sunday from the Washington Post.

90% of the content removed by Facebook’s algorithms targeted the demographics, showing “hate speech” against other racial groups and women to be nearly nonexistent. The figure was stated in an April 2020 internal company document.

The findings of the document came as a surprise to progressive authoritarians at the company, many of whom simply could not fathom that the all-encompassing “racism” which colored every moment of everyday life barely even existed. As a result, leftists as Facebook began a lobby campaign to permit anti-white “hate speech,” while judging so-called “hate speech” that targets other demographics to violate Facebook’s terms and conditions.

FBI crime data published in 2017 indicates that blacks and Hispanics are considerably more likely to commit hate crimes than white people, a statistic that may explain why hateful rhetoric targeting white people is more commonplace than anything else.

... After the study’s findings, Facebook has adopted a policy of promoting and tolerating more anti-white comments and posts, while judging even more content to be anti-black “hate speech.”

This idiocracy-tier controversy shows there is no escaping social justice insanity in the digital sphere. Leftism must be crushed or it will permeate and debauch every phase of reality.

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