Impeachment Supporter Justin Amash Is Only Republican With 75% CAIR Approval Rating

Justin Amash CAIR

Rep. Justin Amash, who over the weekend called for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump on Twitter, is the only Republican legislator to receive a passing 75 per cent approval rating from the terrorist-affiliated Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR.

Over the weekend, Amash came to a radically different conclusion than most politicians and commentators, and claimed that after reading the redacted Mueller report there was ample evidence indicating President Trump should be impeached.

Amash received a spat of positive coverage for his radical stance, leading many to research the young congressman and his supporters.

According to Vote Smart, Amash is the only Republican who received a passing grade of 75 per cent from CAIR for its 2017-2018 year. He scored as high as many high ranking Democrats, including Sen. Dick Blumenthal, Sen. Tim Kaine, and just below Sen. Ron Wyden’s 80 per cent score.

Notably, Amash’s rating went up from 67 per cent to 75 per cent between the 2015-16 cycle and the latest ratings. No other Republicans received a 75 per cent score.

Below Amash from the Republican Party is notorious establishment conservative Sen. Lisa Murkowski, and Rep. Steve Scalise, who both scored 67 per cent.

Aside from his comfortable relationship with CAIR, Big League Politics reported that his business interests in China may have held sway over his left-field endorsement of impeachment.

Big League Politics reported:

In Amash’s financial disclosure forms for the year of 2015, he was shown as receiving up to $1 million in annual income due to his ownership stake in Michigan Industrial Tools (MIT). MIT is the parent company of Tekton Tools, Amash’s family business, that benefits directly from Chinese manufacturing.

An article from MLive in 2010 exposed Amash as being the co-owner of Dynamic Source International (DSI), a Chinese company that was once an MIT supplier. Amash’s family have been outspoken advocates of the globalist trade status quo for many years.

“Trade with China is providing American consumers with good quality tools that could not be made for those prices in the United States,” said John Amash, Justin’s brother, who is President of Tekton Tools.

Amash’s political career may be in jeopardy as he now faces a primary challenger for 2020 who is much less likely to endorse impeachment of President Trump.


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