Indian Scientists Discover Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Prevents COVID-19, Vindicating President Trump

President Donald Trump smiles as he speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017, to announce Judge Neil Gorsuch as his nominee for the Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Indian scientists have discovered that hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug that is regularly used to treat COVID-19, also prevents individuals from being able to contract the illness.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has discovered that ingesting hydroxychloroquine can help healthy individuals fend off the coronavirus. The fake news media has been desperate to demonize the drug while globalists like Bill Gates plot to push widespread vaccinations as the only way to end the pandemic that has shaken the world.

The ICMR issued an advisory last week to drastically expand the use of hydroxychloroquine in an attempt to save lives throughout India. They conducted three separate studies to come to their conclusion that taking hydroxychloroquine can prevent coronavirus. The ICMR is now encouraging essential workers such as cops, paramilitary, surveillance staff, and medical personnel to take hydroxychloroquine as “preventive therapy.”

The study found that “amongst healthcare workers involved in Covid-19 care, those on hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis were less likely to develop SARS-CoV-2 infection, compared to those who were not on it.” The National Institute of Virology in Pune also determined through lab testing that the usage of hydroxychloroquine reduces the viral load of coronavirus.

Through analyzing data that had previously been collected, the ICMR discovered a “significant” correlation between “the number of doses [of hydroxychloroquine] taken and frequency of occurrence of Covid-19 infection in symptomatic healthcare workers who were tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

These findings vindicate President Donald Trump, who announced recently that he was taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against the coronavirus.

Big League Politics has reported on how even Democrats have admitted the miraculous effects that hydroxychloroquine has in fighting COVID-19:

A member of the Michigan legislature who was diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus is crediting hydroxychloroquine and President Trump’s suggestion of the drug’s effectiveness with saving her life.

Rep. Karen Whitsett of Detroit learned that she had tested positive for coronavirus on Monday, but began taking the drug last month when experiencing severe symptoms of the disease. She had sought treatment with her husband on March 18th after falling ill with symptoms associated with coronavirus.

After taking hydroxychloroquine, Whitsett recounted experiencing almost immediate relief from the debilitating symptoms of the virus. It took “less than two hours” after an initial dose that the most severe symptoms of the disease, such as swollen lymph nodes and difficulty breathing, were abated.

The use of hydroxychloroquine has proven a topic of contention, with mainstream media journalists hectoring Trump for suggesting that the drug could prove useful in treating the disease even after large numbers of doctors report preliminary success in using it to treat coronavirus. The drug isn’t yet certified by the FDA as a verifiable drug in treating the disease, but by all indications, it has proven to be a medical game-changer in numerous cases of the disease, including Whitsett’s case.

Whitsett, a Detroit Democrat, has spoken candidly in support of Trump’s suggestion of use of the drug. “It has a lot to do with the president … bringing it up. He is the only person who has the power to make it a priority.”

Once again, President Trump has been vindicated and the globalist medical establishment has been disgraced over the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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