Joe Biden Calling America An ‘Embarrassment’ Is Pretty Disqualifying in a Presidential Race

Although Democrats seem to think that Joe Biden could be a formidable force in the 2020 presidential race, evidence culled from his own statements and public actions suggests otherwise.
Most recently, Biden disgraced himself and his party by calling the United States of America an “embarrassment” while speaking in Munich.
It is pretty clear, based on the swift and punishing criticism of Biden’s remark, that the Democrat would be very damaged by this clip if he chooses to go forward and run in 2020. Republican ads would obviously be merciless.
“The America I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border. Americans know that’s not right. The American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly, that it is not right. That it is not who we are,” Biden stated.
“Joe Biden’s the real embarrassment, not America,” said the Boston Herald headline.
President Trump signed an executive order ending the separation of illegal migrant children at the border from their adult supervisors — many of whom are human traffickers. The Obama administration, which Biden was a leading part of at least for public appearances, was responsible for this practice.
According to a Tuesday POLITICO report, former Vice President Joe Biden raked in a huge amount of money under the guise of 2018 midterm fundraising via his PAC, but kept most of the money in his PAC’s coffers.
“Biden’s PAC gave Democratic candidates just a quarter of the more than $2 million he raised and spent during the midterms,” the piece said. “At the same time, he spent half a million dollars on websites and digital ads that could help him bolster his online presence and raise money from small donors for a 2020 primary campaign, and more of his PAC funds went to travel and other expenses.”
As rumors swirl that Biden is preparing a 2020 presidential run, it looks as if he has been planning such a run for a while.
“Biden reported expenses marked as ‘digital consulting,’ ‘website development’ and ’email services,’” the reports said. “Much of that business went to Blue State Digital, a firm founded by former campaign staff to President Barack Obama.”
An early Harvard/Harris poll had Biden leading a Democratic field, trailed closely by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and failed U.S. Senate candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke. Lagging behind in what will be a crowded field were Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Elizabeth Warren, (D-Mass.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.).
Since the poll was released, several other Democrats have publicly toyed with the idea of making a 2020 run. former Obama Housing Czar and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro has formed an exploratory committee, the first official step towards running for president. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), famous for threatening to nuke American citizens if they rebelled against gun control laws, has openly discussed running. So has Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii). Actress Angelina Jolie did not rule out a potential run, either.
Still, when polled more recently, Democrats preferred an unnamed potential candidate over any of the names mentioned.