Kenosha Police Officer Involved in Shooting of Jacob Blake Set to be Exonerated By District Attorney’s Report
It’s expected that the Kenosha, Wisconsin police officer who shot sex crimes suspect and accused rapist Jacob Blake won’t face criminal charges for the August shooting, with Kenosha’s District Attorney set to announce he won’t charge him by the end of the week.
Officer Rusten Sheskey shot at Jacob Blake seven times, utilizing force as the sex crimes suspect resisted arrest while armed with a knife and attempting to kidnap his ex-girlfriend’s children and steal her vehicle.
Blake plead guilty in a plea arrangement stemming from the August charges, admitting guilt to disorderly conduct and domestic abuse. A count of criminal trespassing and sexual assault were dropped as a condition of the plea agreement.
Sources familiar with an investigation into Sheskey’s actions affirm that they expect the seven-year veteran of the Kenosha Police Department to be exonerated by the end of next week, with District Attorney Michael Graveley formally declining to bring charges against Sheskey for the shooting of Blake. Graveley is expected to cite Blake’s commission of potential felonies and possession of a deadly weapon as factors justifying Sheskey’s shooting of the rape suspect, summarizing his findings in a report.
According to the source, Kenosha police are preparing for mass-scale riot events after Sheskey is formally cleared and officers are being assigned mandatory 12-hour shifts. Left-wing riots following the shooting of Blake ultimately led to a fatal interaction between convicted child rapist Joseph Rosenbaum and Illinois youth Kyle Rittenhouse, with the latter shooting Rosenbaum and two other leftist rioters after being attacked by the mob, in event that has led to first-degree murder charges. Rittenhouse maintains his innocence.
Black Lives Matter militants have harangued and lobbied Graveley demanding bunk charges be filed against Sheskey. The white police officer’s exoneration could set off the first major rioting event in the country following Joe Biden’s election, testing the durability of the street terror movement in a new political environment.