LGBT RUN AMOK: Disney Introduces Two Gay Dads as Characters on ‘Ducktales’ Show

The LGBT agenda is being disseminated through the mass media much more frequently, and Disney is happy to do the agenda’s bidding as children are being groomed and indoctrinated by this community.
The latest example of this phenomenon comes on the Disney Channel program DuckTales. A character on the show, Violet was revealed as having two gay dads on the season three premiere of the program.
According to the pro-LGBT propaganda mill Pink News, DuckTales executive Frank Angones referenced Violet’s two gay dads in a Tumblr post last year.
“As with all of our characters, we had a lot of conversations about who Violet was and what her background was and came up with this fun notion of her too enthusiastic, overly supportive dads who love being dads,” Angones wrote in Nov. 2018.
“We didn’t really have a story built around them, but when the time came for an episode focusing on Huey and Violet in a particular situation, it made sense that they would be there,” he added.
Angones used the LGBT newspeak in his blog post to indicate that he is apart of the child-focused “movement.”
“I’m well aware that the ‘queer representation through parents and background characters’ trope is an issue, and we’ve sort of stumbled backwards into a lot of heteronormative romances in this show,” he wrote.
Angones mentioned that there are “specific hoops you have to jump through to make changes to established Disney characters” and then added: “That’s really no excuse… we really have not done enough relevant LGBTQ+ rep.”
“We do have some themes and ideas coming up that address relevant LGBTQ+ narratives. But there’s always opportunity for a lot more; I don’t want a cop out and a cookie for saying ‘look at this one thing we did!” he wrote.
Angones confirmed that there will be similar propaganda in children’s programming on the Disney Channel in the years to come, as the LGBT agenda tries to lure precocious kids into their way of life.
“I know this response is a bit of a bummer, but I didn’t want to lead anyone on. But please believe, as I’ve said before, I’m dedicated to being better and finding new opportunities for three dimensional representation, on this show and the next and the next,” he wrote.
Angones may have something in common with a former Disney executive who targeted children and was sentenced to prison for lascivious acts with a 7-year-old girl:
Michael Laney, 73, was acquitted on three counts of first-degree rape and three counts of first-degree sex abuse, but was unable to escape conviction on four counts of first-degree sexual abuse. He will serve 81 months in prison as a punishment for his sex crimes made on a seven-year-old girl.
Despite his conviction, his lawyers are still maintaining Laney’s innocence.
“The character of the evidence is just stories, and the strength of those stories is exceedingly low,” attorneys Stephen Houze and Jacob Houze wrote in a statement.
They are also appealing for sympathy for this convicted child sex abuser, citing Laney’s wife’s alleged Parkinson’s disease as reasons for even more leniency.
“Sentencing Mr. Laney to any amount of incarceration, much less an actuarial true life sentence, disproportionately impacts him more than a defendant without those personal characteristics,” Houze wrote in a statement.
Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Charles Mickley believes the claims made by Laney’s attorneys are “peculiarly offensive and insulting” to the victim.
“Defendant wholly ignores the compelling evidence of his guilt presented at trial, including the evidence of his longstanding sexual interest in children,” Mickley wrote.
Court documents show that the abuse began in 2009, and it continued for at least two years as Laney was apparently a serial offender. Another individual reported being abused but it could not be proven in the court of law.
Children’s cartoons have been weaponized into LGBT PR and the worst propaganda is yet to come.