Michelle Malkin: Republicans Must ‘Combat the People From Inside the Tent’ to Save America

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin gave a rousing speech at the Horowitz Freedom Center last week to promote her book, explaining why the fight must be waged primarily from within the Republican Party in order to save the country from rampant third-world immigration.

“Going forward, I think, especially as we head into this deep plunge of an election cycle,” Malkin explained. “It’s easy to make fun of the clown car of the Democratic presidential candidates. That’s easy. What’s harder is to combat the people from inside the tent who are sabotaging the best opportunities we have to seize back control of our country.”

In her recently published book Open Borders Inc, Malkin outlines how Republican politicians are paid off by special interests like Big Tech firms, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Koch network to support lax immigration policies that are reviled by their actual constituents.

One such enemy from within is Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), who has relentlessly pushed legislation co-sponsored by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) that would open the flood gates for low-wage workers from India to come to the U.S. in record numbers.

Lou Dobbs of Fox Business explained the many problems with Lee’s legislation, and why his green card giveaway would squeeze the wages of American workers at the behest of massive corporate behemoths.

Malkin believes that it is legislators like Sen. Lee and the special interests behind them who are the biggest threat to “America First” immigration policies, not the crazy extremist Democrats.

“We’ve got good people in the West Wing. They’re the ones who are revamping the refugee resettlement program who are doing everything they can do in their power to fight back against judicial anarchy, and reclaim the powers of the president over immigration policy,” she said.

“The last platitude that just gets on my nerves is ‘our laws are broken.’ Our laws are not broken. Our will to enforce them is,” she added.

Portions of Malkin’s address can be seen here:

Right now, Malkin is leading #StandWithICE protests across the country to encourage patriots to stand up and support border enforcement against ANTIFA terrorists and other threats pushing back against the men and women on the front lines.

“The guardians against immigration anarchy shouldn’t have to go it alone. That’s why I’m launching a nationwide tour of sanctuary cities — including Denver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Minneapolis — to expose the money behind the sovereignty saboteurs and to organize citizens willing to #StandWithICE,” Malkin said.

“If we don’t get off the sidelines, the lawless mob will win. And if the lawless mob wins, we will lose America,” she added.

Few people in the country are doing more from the grassroots to promote President Trump’s MAGA agenda right now than Malkin, who remains on the war path against RINOs who are weak on immigration.

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