MUST WATCH: CNN’s Chris Cuomo GOES BALLISTIC After Being Called ‘Fredo’

CNN Anchor Christopher Cuomo, little brother of Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, lost his marbles after a conservative heckled the fake news anchor by calling him “Fredo,” comparing him to the bumbling, disloyal Corleone in “The Godfather” who ultimately slept with the fishes.
Cuomo’s violent, threatening rant to a group of conservatives can be seen in its entirety here:
While Cuomo may get enraged over being called Fredo, he has allowed that exact same insult to be used on his own show in reference to Donald Trump Jr.
.@ananavarro slams Don Jr. for likening border wall to zoo fence: He’s an “entitled, rich, spoiled little brat whose only call to fame is being his daddy’s son.”
“[D]addy kept Fredo back home…Who cares what [he] says. I don’t want to talk about that entitled little brat.”— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) January 10, 2019
Other CNN commentators, such as ‘Never Trump’ phony conservative Rick Wilson, have used the Fredo jab on the network as well. It is rather surprising how is allowed so frequently on CNN, considering that Cuomo claims “it’s like the N-word” for his people.
Here’s Rick Wilson calling Rep. Nunes “the Fredo of the Republican party” on CNN back in March.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 13, 2019
In an odd twist to the story, the video of Cuomo losing his mind – which is now going viral – was published on the birthday of the late John Cazale, the actor who portrayed Fredo in “The Godfather” and “Godfather, Part Two.”
it’s literally Fredo’s birthday today. COME ON SIMULATION
— Gene Park (@GenePark) August 13, 2019
This is not the first time that Cuomo has issued mean-spirited and violent attacks against his political opponents. He once attacked a rape survivor who displayed her message of empowerment because of her support for the 2nd Amendment.
Only in America
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
Not sure what you mean by this. “Only in America” can a rape survivor protect herself and her family against any future threat? This is bad how?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 29, 2019
Man mocks rape survivor who protects her children with firearm… Only on CNN.
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) May 29, 2019
Cuomo has also defended the left-wing domestic terror collective known as ANTIFA, who have repeatedly attacked unarmed people such as journalist Andy Ngo in the streets, claiming that their ambush attacks are justified.
“People who show up to fight against bigots are not to be judged the same as the bigots even if they do resort to the same kinds of petty violence,” Cuomo said last year.
As the fake news minions continue to get humiliated day in and day out by President Trump, they are likely to continue showing their true colors and further destroying their credibility. The heat is clearly getting to Cuomo, and he is now a national laughingstock as a result.