Nevada’s Democrat Governor Vetoes Left Wing Plan To Effectively End The Electoral College
In a surprising move on Thursday, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak vetoed a bill to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
According to a Washington Times report, Sisolak argued that this Compact would reduce the influence small states like Nevada have during presidential elections.
In Sisolak’s view, this agreement would upset the balance that the Founding Fathers wanted between small and large states and “could leave a sparsely populated Western state like Nevada with a greatly diminished voice in the outcome of national electoral contests.”
In his signing statement, Sisolak said “For these reasons, and in the best interests of the Great State of Nevada, I veto this bill and return it without my signature or approval.”
Sisolak is the first Democrat governor to reject the National Popular Vote, which mandates that electors in states who are part of the compact vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote, instead of the candidate who wins the state.
Bitter Democrats have embraced the National Popular vote in order to avoid a repeat of the 2016 presidential race, where Hilary Clinton won the popular vote, but Donald Trump won the electoral college.
Although this compact would not get rid of the Electoral College, it would essentially become irrelevant. So far in 2019, three governors in Democrat states — Colorado, Delaware and New Mexico — have signed NPV bills into laws. There are now 15 states with NPV laws.
The compact would not eliminate the Electoral College but would render it irrelevant. This year, Democratic governors in three states — Colorado, Delaware and New Mexico — have signed NPV bills, bringing the number of signatories to 15.
NPV supporters argue that this compact would make every vote more valuable and divert attention away from a handful of swing states during presidential elections. Opponents on the other hand argue that smaller, more rural states would be effectively pushed out by the NPV.
Nevada has already taken a leftward turn on issues like gun control, after it signed a universal background check bill into law.
With a Democratic trifecta in control, Nevada could still see other leftist pieces of legislation pass during its legislative session.