New ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Themed Cryptocurrency Has Raised $50K to Help Veterans, Hopes to Raise Millions More
The cryptocurrency, Let’s Go Brandon Coin ($FJB), has soared since its creation in September, and its surge has resulted in a charitable donation of $50,000 to go to military veterans.
The coin has already amassed an impressive market cap of over $55 million, according to estimates at CoinMarketCap and is currently being traded at $0.002412, up nearly 17 percent on the day as of 12:30 pm EST on Tuesday. The momentum is rapidly building behind this coin expressing a sentiment shared by millions of enraged Americans.
Coin founder Grant Tragni told The Post Millennial that donations intended to help veterans is built into the FJB coin’s design. This is meant to help veterans at a time when they are being demonized by a Biden regime intent on purging patriots from the ranks.
“What really drove me to do it was the donation factor,” Tragni said, adding that his intention behind creating the coin was to find “the best way to one, help out veterans that are being really mistreated and two, utilize this movement for better.”
Five percent of every transaction conducted in FJB is added to a donation wallet that is set aside for charities that help U.S. veterans.
“There’s this ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ movement; there has to be a coin out there and there was nothing there,” Tragni said.
Information on how to buy the FJB coin can be found here:
Big League Politics has reported on other America First crypto instruments, such as the MAGA Coin, which was created to honor President Trump by offering tokens to the president’s supporters:
“A new cryptocurrency upstart, MAGACOIN is launching this week and giving away 100 free coins to every person who registers on the official website.
The idea behind the coin is to create an ecosystem where pro-Trump individuals can support pro-Trump businesses and candidates without using a financial instrument that benefits the globalists.
There are approximately 75 million MAGACOIN that are being created to represent the 75 million Trump voters who were disenfranchised during the vote steal that took place in November 2020. They will not be holding any sort of initial coin offering and will instead give coins away to patriots to build the network.
“10 Million MAGACOINS have been donated to the MAGACOIN Victory Fund, a SuperPAC created to support MAGA candidates across the country who will fight for individual rights, religious liberty, protecting the unborn, the 2nd amendment, freedom of speech and the entire America First Agenda,” they announced on their official website.
“As MAGACOIN is accepted by crypto exchanges and the value of the SuperPAC’s coin holdings increase, these coins will be traded for U.S. Currency and independent expenditures will be made to support MAGA candidates,” they added.”
Patriotic cryptocurrency may be the future of the monetary system, and the time is now to get on the ground floor of this revolutionary movement against the globalist banking cartel.