TRUMP CAMPAIGN: Mueller’s Investigation Is Financed By Soros Official

WASHINGTON — The Robert Mueller investigation is using research financed by a top George Soros official, according to top strategists from the Donald J. Trump presidential campaign.
Thursday, Big League Politics revealed the role of deep state operative Daniel J. Jones, who is working behind the scenes to fund the Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller’s bogus investigation into Trump campaign “collusion” with Russia.
As we reported:
“‘Dan Jones, the former Senate Intelligence staffer, has raised millions of dollars to fund continued exploration of the bogus [Steele] dossier,’ said Michael Caputo, Trump campaign advisor.
Daniel J. Jones is a deep state operative and President of The Penn Quarter Group, a Washington D.C. based investigative research firm. He spent four years in the FBI before joining the United State Select Committee on Intelligence under then-Senator Jay Rockefeller, and subsequently under Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
‘If you see the stories out there with unnamed sources, it’s become very clear that Dan Jones is one source, and he goes and gets another – no doubt from among his colleagues on the partisan hit-squad at the Intelligence Committee,’ Caputo continued.”
We have learned that Jones’ deep state ties are much more in-depth than previously understood.
It turns out that Jones sits on the Board of Advocates for a Washington D.C. based non-profit called Human Rights First.
“Human Rights First is an independent advocacy and action organization that challenges America to live up to its ideals,” their website says. “We believe American leadership is essential in the global struggle for human rights, so we press the U.S. government and private companies to respect human rights and the rule of law. When they fail, we step in to demand reform, accountability and justice. Around the world, we work where we can best harness American influence to secure core freedoms.”
The non-profit clearly describes the amount of power that they wield over private corporations and the U.S. government. Unsurprisingly, the non-profit also boasts some nefarious donors, including George Soros’ Open Society Foundation:
NGO Monitor reported that Human Right’s First had a 2015 income of $12.5 million, and that “substantial financial support” for the organization comes from The Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations and Facebook, among others.
This is how the D.C. swamp operates. Wealthy financiers pay for influence by donating big bucks to non-profits, and in turn the non-profits lobby our elected officials on behalf of the wealthy donors. The establishment is apoplectic over Trump’s presidency for a reason – he is onto their scheme.
Is it any surprise that Dan Jones, the man fundraising millions for the Mueller investigation to “verify” the phony Steele dossier and then leaking his fake findings to the press – all in a conceited effort to overthrow a duly elected president – is deeply tied to George Soros and the political establishment, Trump’s sworn enemies? Of course not.
The tangled web of bad actors in Washington is slowly unraveling, and the players involved will soon be exposed for the fraud that they have perpetrated against the American people for decades.