New York Times Editor Sarah Jeong Hates The New York Times

Over the past couple of days, the newest member of the formerly-esteemed New York Times editorial board has been scorched online for Tweets expressing anti-white hatred and anti-police hatred.

Further review of her Twitter reveals that, hilariously, she also hates The New York Times. 

“After a bad day, some people come home and kick the furniture. I get on the internet and make fun of the New York Times,” she Tweeted in 2013.

As late as May, 2017, Jeong celebrated a libel lawsuit against the former “paper of record.”

“You know what IS good? That someone is FINALLY suing the New York Times for libel,” she Tweeted.

“NYT Opinion = Thought Catalog for Baby Boomers,” said a tweet from 2015.

Jeong also speculated that most of the Times employees hate the Times’ columnists.

“I feel really bad for the 95% of the New York Times that already seethes with resentment over their horrible columnists,” she said in April 2017.

She also named names, specifically bashing certain columnists whom she cannot stand.

“Guys, what drugs do you think Paul Krugman does,” she wrote in 2014. (This is a valid question).

“My prof ripped on Nick Kristof today. It ruled,” she said in 2013. Kristof is the winner of two Pulitzer Prizes and a frequent CNN commentator.

Jeong really hates three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Tom Friedman.

“A just god would not allow Tom Friedman to keep talking,” she wrote in 2013.


“I have wept and I have prayed, I have prayed and I have wept, and Tom Friedman is somehow allowed to keep talking,” she tweeted on the same day.

Jeong hates NPR host Hanna Rosin too.

“Hannah [sic] Rosin shatters ceiling by proving women writers can be as hackish as Tom Friedman, too,” she wrote in 2013.

Tn a statement of excuses made by the Times on behalf of Jeong when her anti-white Tweets appeared, the Times claimed that they vetted Jeong’s social media prior to her hiring.

“We had candid conversations with Sarah as part of our thorough vetting process, which included a review of her social media history,” the paper said.

That is obviously either a lie, or the Times’ “thorough vetting process” is not as bulletproof as they seem to think.

Either way, Jeong’s latest batch of newly-discovered Tweets ought to make the Times’ Christmas party pretty awkward this year.

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