New York Times Publishes Treasonous Op/Ed Calling for United Nations Takeover of United States
A recent New York Times op/ed has argued that “America may need international intervention” from the United Nations to effectively end U.S. sovereignty.
Opinion contributor Peter Beinart made the argument to give away the U.S. to foreign powers – exactly what the fake news hacks at the Times and other left-wing propaganda rags have argued for years that President Trump was trying to do with Russia.
“No one knows how Donald Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis will affect his presidential campaign, but before falling ill, he repeatedly suggested that he won’t accept the results of the election, should he lose,” Beinart said falsely.
In actuality, it is Democrat operatives like John Podesta who are war gaming for Biden to steal the election by appealing to blue-state governors to overturn the results. Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has told Biden not to concede on election day under any circumstances.
Beinart, who serves as the editor for at large for Jewish Currents, uses his false premise to justify bringing in the UN to essentially take over the country. He uses his hatred of the Constitution and the electoral college to make the case for his proposed overthrow.
“Democrats must now win the popular vote by three, four or even five percentage points to be assured of winning the Electoral College. They must achieve that margin in the face of a strenuous Republican effort to ensure that many Democratic ballots are not counted,” he wrote.
He uses liberal academics who are in the tank for Biden to make his case for the destruction of U.S. sovereignty as well.
Beinart wrote: “What Mr. Trump is doing this year, the election-monitoring expert Judith Kelley, the dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University, recently told The Boston Globe, is the kind of activity that international election observers “would go to countries and write up huge reports about and say, ‘Red flag! Red flag!’”
He concluded with a bizarre argument that selling the country out to foreign powers would provide “moral discipline” for Americans.
“Americans are not so inherently virtuous that they can safely disregard the moral discipline that international oversight provides… Now that Mr. Biden and other white Democrats are tasting disenfranchisement themselves, they need to learn that lesson, too,” Beinart said.
Big League Politics reported earlier this week on a veteran Soros operative who also pined that America would be usurped by foreign powers, indicating that this is a common opinion among the modern radicalized Left:
A veteran operative of the George Soros network is openly pining on social media for a foreign invader to march into the U.S. and take over.
The self-described queer atheist social justice warrior Zack Ford made the declaration on his Twitter account. Ford works as the press secretary for the Alliance for Justice, a left-wing special interest group that has been funded by the Soros network. He had previously written for ThinkProgress before the fake news propaganda outlet went belly up last year.
“Anybody else feeling like this would be a great time for the U.S. to be conquered? Like not a violent war, just a really peaceful takeover — more like an intervention by all the other friendly democracies out there who’ve been watching what’s been going on here,” Ford wrote in a tweet.
Ford’s dream is that socialist countries revoke U.S. sovereignty and take over because orange man bad, or something. Here is Ford’s idea of an ultra-effeminate coup that would effectively revoke democracy for the American people because of his feelings:
United States, do you know why we brought you here today? Your Constitution was built on a foundation of inequality, all your branches of government have been co-opted by minority rule, and you’re endangering the whole world with your ineptness…
In short, you’re toxic, and we’re just not putting up with it anymore. We’re here to give you a fresh start, a nice little makeover, and something more resembling the much better forms of democracy we’ve figured out since you got it all started back in 1619 — I mean 1776…
“We’re just such a hot mess, and it sounds so much easier to fix things if we just got a full reboot instead of trying to make work everything as we have it now. These are my uplifting dystopian thoughts for the day,” he wrote to conclude his thoughts.
Ford may get his wish if his paymaster Soros has his way. His operatives have been diligently planning a color revolution that intends to oust President Trump from office by any means necessary.
The Democrats are less of a political party these days and more like an ISIS-style terror operation that will lay America to waste if they can’t control the country.