New York Times Quietly Removes Anti-White Propaganda From Anti-American ‘1619 Project’, Angering the Far Left

The far left is up in arms after the New York Times removed false socialist propaganda from the “1619 Project,” the anti-American historical revisionist effort which has been attacked for its many errors.
The World Socialist Web Site wrote a blog complaining about how the 1619 Project has altered their entire thesis. They noted that the initial text describing the project on their website has been changed from this:
The 1619 Project is a major initiative from the New York Times observing the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.
To this:
The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.
The 1619 Project also changed its print version, which has been used to indoctrinate millions of school children nationwide. The original text read:
In August of 1619, a ship appeared on this horizon, near Point Comfort, a coastal port in the British colony of Virginia. It carried more than 20 enslaved Africans, who were sold to the colonists. America was not yet America, but this was the moment it began. No aspect of the country that would be formed here has been untouched by the 250 years of slavery that followed.
It now reads:
In August of 1619, a ship appeared on this horizon, near Point Comfort, a coastal port in the English colony of Virginia. It carried more than 20 enslaved Africans, who were sold to the colonists. No aspect of the country that would be formed here has been untouched by the years of slavery that followed.
The hardcore socialists are not happy about this capitulation by the 1619 Project, which was founded with the intent to make slavery the sole focal point of any teaching about American history.
“The Times’ “disappearing,” with a few secret keystrokes, of its central argument, without any explanation or announcement, is a stunning act of intellectual dishonesty and outright fraud,” they wrote.
The socialists argue that the 1619 Project was designed to inject divisive racial propaganda into the mainstream and therefore keep the focus off of workers’ collective rights. They claim that the “1619 Project is one component of a deliberate effort to inject racial politics into the heart of the 2020 elections and foment divisions among the working class.”
Big League Politics has reported on the racist, anti-white ideology held by the founder of the 1619 Project:
Nikole Hannah-Jones, leader of the New York Times‘ 1619 Project, has a history of making extremely racist comments about white people.
In 1995, she wrote to Notre Dame’s The Observer that “the white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world” in a letter to the editor published by the paper.
Hannah-Jones made clear her racist hatred of America and its rich history in her screed titled, “Modern Savagery.” She called the European settlers and explorers responsible for the “acts of devils” for bringing civilization to the continent.
“[The whites] lasting monument was the destruction and enslavement of two races of people,” Hannah-Jones wrote.
She made the claims, not backed up by evidence, that Africans came to the Americans before white settlers and made peace with the Indians. She also stated that pyramids built in Mexico were built as a symbol of friendship and goodwill between the indigenous peoples and the Africans.
Hannah-Jones also placed the blame of all social problems in her community squarely on white people, spewing various conspiracy theories of dubious merit.
“The descendants of these savage people pump drugs and guns into the Black community, pack Black people into the squalor of segregated urban ghettos and continue to be bloodsuckers in our community,” she wrote.
“But after everything that those barbaric devils did, I do not hate them,” Hannah-Jones concluded. “I understand that because of some lacking, they needed to [sic] constantly prove their superiority.”
Even though the 1619 Project has been thoroughly discredited, it will still continue to be pushed as dogma by the far left as they continue their Orwellian war against truth and freedom in their quest to destroy Western Civilization.