NFL Player Cole Beasley Says He Would Rather Quit Football Than Take the COVID Jab

NFL star Cole Beasley issued a Twitter rant on Friday claiming that he would rather quit football than get jabbed with the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I will be outside doing what I do. I’ll be out in public. If your (sic) scared of me then steer clear or get vaccinated,” he said.

“I may die of covid, but I’d rather die actually living,” he added.

The Buffalo Bills wide receiver has drawn controversy in recent days because of his opposition to the NFL’s strict rules regarding COVID-19 and the experimental vaccines. He is refusing to back down on his stance.

“Fine me if you want,” Beasley told the NFL commissars. “My way of living and my values are more important to me than a dollar,” he said.

“I’d rather take my chances with Covid and build up my immunity that way. Eat better. Drink water. Exercise and do what I think is necessary to be a healthy individual,” Beasley continued.

“That is MY CHOICE based on MY experiences and what I think is best. I’ll play for free this year to live life how I’ve lived it from day one. If I’m forced into retirement, so be it,” he added.

Beasley’s entire rant can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on the NFL’s many contributions to COVID-19 mass hysteria:

“A National Football League (NFL) team, the Buffalo Bills, revealed their new headgear meant to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic, and it contains a plastic visor covering the athletes’ mouths with slits that will allow the virus to spread through it with ease.

The NFL recently sent out a survey to fans to determine whether or not they would be allowed to attend Bills games at their Orchard Park stadium during this season.

Some of the questions on the survey include:

  • As you think about your gameday experience, if fans are allowed in stadium would the following facts be more or less important to you than they were in the past?
  • If fans are allowed in the stadium this season, which of these services do you believe are necessary for you to feel safe on Bills gamedays?
  • If fans are allowed in the stadium this season, how would each of the following impact your enjoyment of attending a Bills game?

The NFL is doing its part in pushing asinine rules that make no sense on their players and the public because of COVID-19 mass hysteria. The lasting legacy of the pandemic will be idiocracy taking hold of the West.”

Beasley’s stand ought to inspire other patriots in sports and other realms of entertainment to speak out against the mass insanity that has gripped society since COVID-19 was released on the public.

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