North Carolina County Drops Indoor Mask Mandates After Pressure Campaign Led by Proud Boys

The county health division in New Hanover, N.C. has dropped their indoor face mask mandates after a resistance coalition led by the Proud Boys showed up in big numbers during a vote.

County officials voted on Friday to remove the indoor mask mandates in New Hanover by an 8-4 margin. They had been considering extending the mandates until January but the public pressure told the officials they needed to stop the mandate effective immediately.

One Proud Boy member, calling himself “Johnny Ringo,” was in the press voicing his strong opposition to forcing children to wear face masks.

“These masks contain nasal discharge, germs, lunch, whatever they touched in school and whatever unfortunate incident happened in the bathroom,” he said on Friday. “It is child abuse.”

“I’m sorry you’re not proud of this country,” Ringo told the board of commissioners. “Because we are.”

Although the Proud Boys have become an infamous group – widely scapegoated by the media for the Jan. 6 violence at the U.S. Capitol – they refuse to give up on their mission of promoting freedom and think they can still be effective in pushing back against ongoing tyranny.

“If our presence escalates that pressure and makes it to the point where we become a distraction to conducting business and they just change the mask mandate so we go away, that’s a win,” a Proud Boy member told the press.

Big League Politics has reported on how states are taking action to ban face mask mandates and other inhumane COVID restrictions:

The state of Tennessee has approved new laws protecting individual freedom from COVID-19 mandates and vaccine passports, in a strong rebuke against the medical tyranny pushed by public health “experts.”

Gov. Bill Lee signed the bill into law on Friday, which prevents government entities from forcing businesses to abide by COVID-19 mandates. It also stops private businesses from imposing their own mandates on workers or individuals who are frequenting the business.

The legislation allows large music venues to operate if individuals can provide proof of vaccination, which can allegedly be easily forged, instead of requiring negative COVID-19 tests. The bill also prevents government entities from implementing face mask mandates. Most schools would be prevented from implementing a mask mandate under the bill as well.

“The greatest concern we have, and the reason this came about, is the federal mandate for requiring businesses to vaccinate their employees,” Lee said on Wednesday. “That created the General Assembly’s response.”

Tennessee is following in the footsteps of Florida, a state that has led the way against crazed COVID-19 policy under the stewardship of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

All groups opposed to the burgeoning technocracy need to unify and work from the local level upward to build resistance against these COVID mandates. The Proud Boys, by focusing on civic activism instead of drinking and fighting, can be effective in this regard.

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