OUCH: President Trump Hits Jeff Sessions After Mediocre Performance in Alabama U.S. Senate Primary

President Donald Trump hammered his former Attorney General Jeff Sessions following his mediocre performance in the U.S. Senate primary for the state of Alabama.

Sessions will face a run-off election against former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville after neither man achieved the 50 percent threshold needed to win the U.S. Senate nomination cleanly. Tuberville came in first place, receiving 32.2 percent or 235,461 votes, while Sessions came in a close second, receiving 31.1 percent or 227,492 votes.

President Trump wasted no time to gloat regarding Sessions, who he has routinely blasted for recusing himself from the Russian collusion probe while serving as AG.


Sessions attempted to portray himself as the pro-MAGA choice for the U.S. Senate seat. Despite being hammered by the President, Sessions continues to praise his former boss for “relentlessly and actually honoring the promises he made to the American people.”

“That’s why I still do support him,” he said.

“I’ll have a better relationship. I know what he campaigned on. I was with him at those rallies. I saw how people reacted to his strength and his vigor. I do think he’ll win again,” Sessions said regarding President Trump on Tuesday morning.

But Trump is apparently not as keen on mending fences, remembering how Sessions’ malfeasance as AG hamstrung his presidency for years.

“You look at what’s happening over at the Justice Department, now we have a great attorney general. Whereas before that, with Jeff Sessions, it was a disaster. Just a total disaster. He was an embarrassment to the great state of Alabama,” Trump said last year.

“And I put him there because he endorsed me, and he wanted it so badly. And I wish he’d never endorsed me,” he added.

“The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax continues, all because Jeff Sessions didn’t tell me he was going to recuse himself…I would have quickly picked someone else. So much time and money wasted, so many lives ruined…and Sessions knew better than most that there was No Collusion!” Trump wrote in a tweet back in June 2018 when Sessions was still the AG.

Big League Politics has analyzed the race between Tuberville and Sessions, which could be quite a difficult choice for conservative Alabama voters:

Immigration policy has proven to be a consistent theme in the heated Senate race. Sessions, a longtime US Senator who departed from the seat he’s currently running for to serve as Donald Trump’s Attorney General, has lambasted Tuberville for a history of confusing remarks appearing to endorse pro-big business amnesty and open borders immigration policy. Tuberville has hired campaign consultants with a proven track record of lobbying for amnesty, and he’s even gone so far as to say that the United States “needs” more than 100,000 illegal immigrants entering the country every month to provide cheap labor.

The race could prove to be an indicator of the Republican Party’s views on immigration, at least in the southern state. Sessions has consistently led efforts to block amnesty and globalist cheap labor immigration policy throughout his career as a Senator and Attorney General.

Sessions has sought to explain his falling out with President Donald Trump during his tenure as Attorney General to Alabama voters, reminding the electorate that he’s consistently remained a strong Trump supporter and emphasizing that he hopes to repair his relationship with the President upon returning to his old Senate seat. Sessions was the first Republican Senator and major American political figure to endorse Trump for President, a feather in his cap he’s been keen to emphasize throughout his campaign.

The runoff election between Sessions and Tuberville is expected to take place later this month.

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