Pentagon Declares Climate Change a ‘National Security Issue’ Moving Forward

The Biden administration has announced that climate change will be a “national security issue” moving forward.
The Pentagon is making climate change a top priority for national defense, with environmental concerns prioritized over keeping America safe.
“There is little about what the [Defense] Department does to defend the American people that is not affected by climate change. It is a national security issue, and we must treat it as such,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement.
“The Department will immediately take appropriate policy actions to prioritize climate change considerations in our activities and risk assessments, to mitigate this driver of insecurity,” he added.
Austin made it clear that the Department of Defense (DOD) will “include the security implications of climate change in our risk analyses, strategy development, and planning guidance” from this point onward.
“As a leader in the interagency, the Department of Defense will also support incorporating climate risk analysis into modeling, simulation, wargaming, analysis, and the next National Defense Strategy,” Austin said.
“And by changing how we approach our own carbon footprint, the Department can also be a platform for positive change, spurring the development of climate-friendly technologies at scale,” he added.
Big League Politics has reported about how President-imposed Biden is pushing climate nonsense to get the public’s minds off of Wall Street stratification:
Former Vice President Joe Biden has been paying lip service to the supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), acting as if he is adopting socialist policies on the campaign trail to curry their favor.
However, nothing could be further from the truth, Biden assured Wall Street while meeting with them in a teleconference.
“What do you think is essential to get this economy rolling again?” asked Jon Gray, a leading executive with the influential Blackstone Group private equity firm, to Biden.
“I come from the corporate state of American, many of you incorporated here,” Biden responded. “It used to be that corporate America had a sense of responsibility beyond just CEO salaries and shareholders.”
“Corporate America has to change its ways. It’s not going to require legislation. I’m not proposing any. We’ve got to think about how we deal people back in,” he added.
David Sirota, a liberal political commentator and former Sanders speechwriter, is taking Biden to task for his rank hypocrisy.
“Before making these comments, Biden had previously promised to pass legislative initiatives to change corporate behavior on everything from climate change to tax policy. He has an entire section of his website outlining promises to pass corporate accountability legislation. He has received praise for these kind of promises,” Sirota wrote.
He added: “But now he’s telling his donors they can rest assured that legislation to change corporate behavior is not forthcoming. Indeed, read Biden’s comment again: “It’s not going to require legislation. I’m not proposing any.”’
Wall Street is playing sleight-of-hand with this global warming ruse. The Biden administration is peddling propaganda to distract anger away from a corrupt corporate ruling elite in bed with China.