Portland Arts Council Opposes Restoration of ‘Racist’ Lincoln, Washington, Teddy Roosevelt Statues

A group of protesters toppled statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln in Portland’s South Park Block late Sunday, Oct. 11, 2020.

A Portland NGO charged with overseeing public art in the left-wing outhouse of a city is recommending that city authorities refrain from restoring statues of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt destroyed by ANTIFA militants during the summer of 2020’s race riots.

Portland’s Regional Arts and Culture Council, an organization funded by the city to oversee public art, issued a statement calling upon the city to avoid displaying the toppled statues of Presidents in public, claiming that doing so would permit them to become rallying places for “gatherings centered on racist or bigoted ideology.

The statues recommended for retirement by the Regional Arts and Culture Council include: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt: Rough Rider, Harvey Scott, and Promised Land. The first three statues were destroyed by leftist militants free to enact cultural destruction of American images when the Portland Police were issued a “stand down” order by Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt and Mayor Ted Wheeler.

Portland became one of the first communities in America where mass statue destruction targeted those dedicated to Founding Fathers and Presidents, a phenomenon quickly exported to California and other areas without Confederate statues to target. Two men have been arrested and charged for an attack on the Teddy Roosevelt statue in Portland.

The organization’s Public Art Committee supports “action by the Portland City Council recommending new public art representing more diverse cultural identities and histories,” opening the door for the statues of legendary Americans will be replaced with monuments to home invasion convict George Floyd.

The statues will remain in the private collection of the City of Portland, preventing them from entering private hands where they could theoretically be displayed to demoralize leftist militants.

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