President Trump Pledges to Return All US Troops from Afghanistan by Christmas

President Trump issued a surprise announcement on the American military presence in Afghanistan, stating that all troops would be removed from the country by Christmas in a Wednesday evening tweet.

The announcement represents a new imperative to end the American presence in Afghanistan, which has qualified as the lengthiest war in American history.

Deep State bureaucrats have consistently fought to stonewall President Trump’s initiative to end American involvement in the failed state once and for all.

Afghanistan has been made the beneficiary of billions of dollars in American foreign aid and military assistance, but the nation’s government is still largely unable to stand on its own two feet. The Afghan Taliban continues to govern large swathes of the country, and regularly carries out terrorist attacks that inflict significant casualties on the Afghan Army.

Joe Biden is largely silent on Afghanistan, stating that he’ll end the war but clarifying that he only plans to return home the “majority” of service members stationed in the country. President Trump has already withdrawn thousands of American military personnel deployed to the country. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo has been overseeing efforts to reach a final peace agreement with the Taliban in which they’d recognize the country’s feeble government.

The leaked Afghanistan Papers have revealed an enduring pattern of misconduct and deception on the part of senior government officials, who regularly sugarcoated the progress that the military was making in installing a Jeffersonian-style democracy in the troubled central Asian nation. Afghanistan is bitterly divided along sectarian, tribal and religious lines, and the region’s involvement in the decline of the Soviet Union and the British Empire have led some to style it as the “graveyard of empires.”

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