Republican Club Vandalized Ahead Of Gavin McInnes Appearance

The night before a sold out event hosted by CRTV host Gavin McInnes, the Metropolitan Republican Club, where the event is being held, was vandalized by what appears to be Antifa agitators.

His event will relate around the life of Otoya Yamaguchi, a Japanese nationalist who assassinated the head of the Japanese Socialist Party in 1960.  The actions of Yamaguchi are seen as a powerful act of resistance against the rise of communism by many.

McInnes, who hosts the web show, Get Off My Lawn, on CRTV is well known for stirring up controversy.

He is the founder of the Proud Boys, a multi-racial fraternal organization made up of men who believe that Western culture is the best culture. His founding of the group has brought him a rash of controversy in the past two years.

The Proud Boys, despite simply being a men’s drinking club, are most known for street brawls instigated by their sworn enemy, antifa.

Antifa is known for physically assaulting anybody they consider a Nazi or fascist, which is anybody to the right of Hillary Clinton.

So when the Proud Boys started seeing them attack conservative groups largely made up of elderly people, or college students not able to adequately defend themselves, they stood up. “If they pick fights with us, we’re going to finish them,” McInnes has publicly stated.

That’s why his appearance at the Met Republican Club is stirring up heavy controversy. Antifa groups in New York City are mobilizing mobs of violent activists to try to shut down the event.

McInnes spoke to Big League Politics to express his confusion in the amount of opposition he is receiving.

“I’m at the point now where I don’t understand what the Alt-Left wants,” McInnes stated. “Republicans can’t go listen to private talks? They can’t exist? What exactly are they going for? How do you “dismantle capitalism” for example. I feel like a high school teacher saying to a bratty kid, “Show your work.”

Proud Boys are likely to show up to counter the antifa agitators, which could lead towards violent confrontations. But if past events are an indicator, law enforcement in New York City will keep the peace.

Big League Politics will be tracking the event, and will keep you updated on any developments.




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