Scottsdale School Board President Removed From Position After Compiling Invasive Dossier on Parents Who Oppose Mask Mandates, CRT

The President of the Scottsdale Unified School Board in Arizona was removed from his position as president on Monday night, after it was discovered that Jann-Michael Greenburg had access to an invasive dossier that sought to compile “dirt” on Scottsdale parents who oppose mask mandates and anti-white Critical Race Theory.

The dossier in question featured pictures of parents’ homes, their children, and even pictures of their license plates. Greenburg’s trove of information amounts to little more than spying on the part of a public official against his own constituents.

Big League Politics’ Richard Moorhead was present at the scene of the meeting, where approximately 100 parents and Scottsdale residents stood outside. Only 30 people were permitted inside the emergency meeting at Mohave Middle School, with community members suspecting Greenburg sought to lock off proceedings to his critics by stacking the crowd with his personal progressive cronies.

Patti Beckman replaces Greenburg as President, with every member of the school board but Greenburg voting to replace him in a 4-1 decision.

Speaking at the scene, Arizona state representative John Kavanaugh indicated he intends to file an inquiry under Arizona’s Public Meetings law to find out how Greenburg was able to block his critics from attending the meeting. Governmental processes are intended to be open to the public under state law.

The Democrat attorney refused to take accountability for the flagrant breach in ethics, merely trying to pawn off responsibility for the dossier on his own father. Scottsdale parents had determined a computer owned by Jann-Michael Greenburg had access to the shady dossier last week, leading to an uproar among those who learned they were being spied on by a supposed community servant. The Democrat refused to speak to the media as he left Mohave Middle School, safely segregated from his constituents and critics.

Greenburg is still on the SUSD board, with the other members lacking the power to outright remove him. Parents at the scene are circulating a recall petition to remove Greenburg from the SUSD board, however, in a move that would place Greenburg on the ballot in the next Scottsdale municipal election in 2022.

Mr. Greenburg was heard blaspheming Jesus Christ in remarks he thought wouldn’t be heard when blasting one of his critics earlier this year.

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