Sickening NYC Subway Video Shows Man Punching Woman as Riders Stand By

A viral TikTok video filmed aboard a New York City subway training reveals a man punching a woman square in the face, apparently incensed after he entered the train and demanded passengers get out of the way.

The man filmed carrying out the assault became violent after another passenger told him to take a “chill pill.”

It’s unclear if an arrest or charges have been made following the assault, which appears to have taken place on Tuesday.

The assailant in this incident is black, whereas the victim is white. It’s all but assured that if the circumstances were reversed, the video would be publicized as a national news story, but instead, coverage and discussion of the video has been largely limited to conservative-leaning media and personalities.

In what may be the most disturbing element of the story, the passengers aboard the train merely stood there and watched after the assailant attacked a much smaller female.

Violent assaults have become increasingly common on subway trains in major American cities, with members of the public appearing to be increasingly wiling to simply stand by as people are victimized. An illegal immigrant raped a woman in plain view aboard a Philadelphia subway train earlier this month, with police expressing shock that the other passengers just stood there and watched. The event has some questioning whether the city associated with the drafting of the US Constitution has devolved into little more than blighted city one would expect to see in a third-world country.

With such incidents becoming increasingly commonplace, middle-class city dwellers of various backgrounds have sought to leave formerly prosperous American cities for suburban and rural communities.

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