Staffer For FL Gov. Candidate Calls Citizens of Red States “Dumb-F***s” Including Florida

Democrat demands to impeach President Donald Trump have reached a fever pitch. Their calls are getting so extreme that they have their own advocate gunning for the Governor’s Mansion in Florida with Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum.

Gillum is the far-left democrat challenger to the Trump-endorsed Rep. Ron DeSantis. Impeachment of President Trump is front and center in his campaign messaging.

But while that idea is extreme enough on its own, the rhetoric coming from his own campaign staff is even more radical.

As exposed by Jacob Engels at Central Florida Post, Gillum’s Youth Director believes Trump voters are “dumb-f***s.”

A Instagram page for Manny Orozco Ballestas shows the campaign staffer wearing a shirt referencing states that voted for President Trump in 2016 as “dumbf***istan.” Of course, that includes Florida.

Gillum campaign staffer wearing a shirt labeling states voting for Trump in 2016 as

(Click here for the uncensored picture)

Ballestas’ job is to get young voters to the polls, as he explains on the official campaign Facebook page.

The race between Gillum and DeSantis is looking to be a close one. The most recent polling shows Gillum leading DeSantis by 5 points.

But those polls should be taken with a grain of salt this far out from November. With the support of President Trump DeSantis is likely to outperform polls on election day, just as President Trump did.

This picture comes at a relevant point in the campaign.

Currently, Gillum’s challenger is facing attacks by the mainstream media for associations with people and groups considered to be extremist. While the majority of those being associated are simply victims of mainstream media smears, Gillum’s staffer wears his extremism proudly on his social media page.

But it is unlikely that the mainstream media will talk about this story. They are too busy trying to paint DeSantis as racist.

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