STALKERS: Black Lives Matter Returns to Home of St. Louis Couple After Armed Confrontation
Protestors of the Black Lives Matter movement returned to the premises of the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey on Saturday, a Saint Louis couple who confronted rioters of the movement who trespassed near their property last week. The McCloskeys had been peacefully armed on their own property, but nonetheless became the targets of a left-wing hate campaign for refusing to bow in submission to the threatening rioters.
The crowd of ‘protestors’ appeared to refrain from trespassing during Saturday’s harassment of the couple, instead chanting taunts in the direction the McCloskey home from behind a wall gating off the private community in which they live.
A protestor of the mob recounted his grievances with the couple, castigating them for insufficient support of the previous trespassing rioters.
“They love black lives for what, but they got a gate? They installed a new gate… But they’re supporters of Black Lives Matter? They thought we was an angry mob, but they support BLM? They said we was gone go into his house, kill him, enslave [unintelligible] and his dog…”
A new fence appears to have been installed around the McCloskey home after the confrontation, and the house is being protected by a team of private security agents.
It’s somewhat curious that the McCloskeys claim to support the movement after the harassment they’ve faced at the hands of the movement, with a previous press release the couple issued only condemning the rioters they faced off in half-hearted terms.
Saint Louis Democrat Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has confirmed she’s “investigating” the couple for merely possessing guns within the confines of their own property, insinuating that they were somehow threatening peaceful protestors after they instructed trespassing rioters to depart from private property. It’ll be difficult to find an argument from criminally charging the couple for the most fundamental and non-violent self-defense behavior available, but that won’t stop the partisan liberal.