Strip Clubs Successfully Sue California to Get Lockdown Edicts Partially Nullified in San Diego County

A California judge has ruled that strip clubs are exempt from regulations in San Diego County, and the order applies to other restaurants and live entertainment establishments in the area.
Superior Court Judge Joel Wohlfeil issued a preliminary injunction protecting strip clubs in the city, which he decreed also applies to “San Diego County businesses with restaurant service” that are following safety measures that “are no greater than is essential” for controlling the spread of the virus.
The plaintiffs, Pacers International Showgirls and Cheetahs Gentleman’s Club, sued after they received a cease-and-desist order last week. Wohlfeil determined that the strip clubs had been implementing measures to slow the spread of the virus since Gov. Gavin Newsom issued his shutdown edicts.
Attorney Steve Hoffman, who represented Cheetah’s, said that the club will “continue to operate in a manner that takes all appropriate and essential measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while at the same time providing a means for their staff to earn a livelihood.”
Newsom’s office was not happy about the decision.
“While we are disappointed in the court’s decision today, we remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting the health and safety of all Californians. Our legal team is reviewing options to determine next steps,” a spokesperson for Newsom said in a statement.
San Diego County posted a response indicating that they would comply with the ruling, at least until their lawyers figure out a way to evade it:
County response to judge's ruling:
— SanDiegoCounty (@SanDiegoCounty) December 17, 2020
Big League Politics has reported on how Newsom’s lockdown policies have made him vulnerable for a recall as he devastates the economic prosperity of his constituents:
California Governor Gavin Newsom is feeling the heat for his controversial Wuhan virus lockdown orders.
Drew van Voorhis at The Epoch Times reported that a campaign with the aim of recalling Governor Gavin Newsom is gaining major traction in Orange County and across the Golden State. In recent weeks, leading Republicans in Orange County have endorsed the recall effort. They called attention to draconian lockdown measures and their negative impact on Californians.
The petition to kick off the recall process was organized by the political action committee Rescue California. A judge granted the petition an extension on November 6, which now gives it until March 17, 2021 to attain the minimum 1,495,709 required to initiate the recall. At the moment, the petition has over 820,000 signatures.
The Lincoln Club of Orange County, a pro-business political group, threw their support behind the campaign on December 8, 2020. Seth Morrison, executive director of the Lincoln Club said to the The Epoch Times, “We feel confident that the recall team has the tools necessary to be successful, and we are seeing more and more people step up to get involved. The governor should be very nervous.”
If there are major political consequences for politicians who have enacted lockdown policies, that may stop further constitutional overreach in the future. The strip club owners have done a solid to all restauranteurs in San Diego County by fighting back against Newsom.