Study: 75 Percent of Americans Now Believe Things Will Never Go Back to Normal

A recent study has shown that a stunning 75 percent of Americans believe that things will never return to normal after COVID-19 mass hysteria has transformed society virtually overnight.

The survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by OnePoll shows that the media-generated fear has resonated severely with the masses. 59 percent of respondents are too afraid to go back to their workplace with others, and 36 percent do not believe they will ever be able to return to a shared workspace without putting themselves or loved ones in danger. 63 percent believe their job will never be the same and anticipate working from home for at least the rest of the year.

Additionally, 75 percent feel that handshakes will no longer be customary in society due to the lasting fears from the pandemic. 41 percent hope for a contact-free workplace where hugs and physical contact are barred when they return. 38 percent want physical offices permanently removed and replaced with remote work on a lasting basis. 53 percent are nostalgic for the good old days when people weren’t forcibly masked while the rest have seemingly become accustomed to the new Orwellian normal.

Big League Politics has reported on how the fake news media has irresponsibly ginned up fear throughout the COVID-19 pandemic:

Over the last few weeks we have all been subject to the fear and panic narrative that the establishment media is weaving concerning the Wuhan Virus.

“75,000 ill, 2,000 deaths, many thousands recovered: Can you get coronavirus twice?” writes John Bacon of USA Today.

“Coronavirus cases top 60,000 as death toll spikes.” –CBS News

“U.S. stocks dive more than 7% as oil war and coronavirus fears slam markets” reports James F. Peltz of the LA Times

“Coronavirus death toll passes 4,000 worldwide.” – CNN News

“Coronavirus death rate: What are the chances of dying? – Robert Cuffe of the BBC News

“While the world deals with the coronavirus, Trump glorifies himself on Twitter.” – Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post

“Supermarkets fear supply-chain shortages as coronavirus spreads.” –Brain Pascus at Crains New York

These are just a few examples of the fear and panic narrative of the establishment media, not to mention how the twenty four hour a day news channels of CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are pushing the narrative in what seems like every other story they are reporting on.

The globalists have traumatized the American public with their propaganda push, creating the perfect pretext for an assault on the Bill of Rights and Constitution. The nation may never recover.

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