SUBMISSION: Cowardly Cops Get on Their Knees at the Behest of a Riotous Mob in Portland

A shameful video has been circulating social media of Portland cops getting down on their knees in a show of fealty to a riotous mob.
The law enforcement officials, who have done little if anything to protect property and restore order in the city, can be seen bending the knee to show how they are controlled by the Black Lives Matter mob.
It can be seen here:
Portland law enforcement has become a national joke as ANTIFA terrorists have owned the streets for years. This is due in large part to Mayor Ted Wheeler, who has given harbor to ANTIFA as they commit acts of terror against conservatives:
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has finally issued a response following Saturday’s rampage by ANTIFA that left several individuals brutally maimed, including journalist Andy Ngo of Quillette.
The far-left Democrat refused to address ANTIFA by name in his remarks.
The denialism from Mayor Wheeler is reminiscent of the classless display from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who referred to the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks committed by radical Islam as “some people [doing] something.”
Conservative critics in Congress and the Trump administration do not find Wheeler’s response acceptable. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is calling for federal action against the Mayor, who told law enforcement to stand down as ANTIFA terrorists committed a myriad of assaults against protesters.
The Portland police union president Daryl Turner has called Wheeler out for denying that he is hamstringing law enforcement and preventing them from doing their jobs.
Turner put Wheeler on blast in the aftermath of brutal ANTIFA beatings, which included a vicious assault on journalist Andy Ngo who reportedly suffered a brain bleed as the result of the attacks.
“It’s time for our Mayor to do two things,” Turner wrote in an open letter directed at Wheeler last week. “Tell both ANTIFA and Proud Boys that our City will not accept violence in our City and remove the handcuffs from our officers and let them stop the violence through strong and swift enforcement action. Enough is enough.”
“Where are the voices condemning the lawlessness and violence? If this violence had been directed at ANTIFA, there would have been an immediate call for an independent, outside investigation,” Turner wrote on July 1. “This is a perfect example of Portland politics at work and why our great City is now under fire in the national news.”
The cowardice of Wheeler and other public officials has allowed rioters to rape and pillage the country without the fear of repercussions. The weak, servile display by the Portland police is a glimpse into the future of what a diverse and multicultural America where rule by mob replaces rule of law.