Teacher Defends Parent Who Pulled Student Out of Private School Due to ‘Psychological Abuse’ From Anti-White Marxist Curriculum
Grace Church School teacher Paul Rossi is defending a parent who decided to remove their child from the prestigious Brearley School in Manhattan over their anti-white marxist curriculum.
“It is not easy for parents to upend lives and pull their child out of school,” Rossi said to the Daily Mail. “Administrators and faculty at many schools exploit this high switching cost, to leverage an explicitly discriminatory and ideological agenda that is harmful to the children in their care.”
Rossi is responding to the brave actions of 45-year-old Andrew Gutmann, who issued a letter that was posted by former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss on her Substack account.
“If Brearley’s administration was truly concerned about so-called “equity,” it would be discussing the cessation of admissions preferences for legacies, siblings, and those families with especially deep pockets,” Gutmann wrote in his letter.
“If the administration was genuinely serious about “diversity,” it would not insist on the indoctrination of its students, and their families, to a single mindset, most reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,” he added.
Gutmann felt that he needed to be the first person that will hopefully start a trend of courageous individuals pushing back against an evil agenda to defend the sanctity of their children.
“She hasn’t been brainwashed yet by the school — but she’s had me at home. I’m not so sure that’s true of the other kids,” said Gutmann, who runs his family’s chemical business.
“Someone had to do it. Someone had to light the match. Everyone’s so afraid of cancel culture. We’re going to destroy the city, we’re going to destroy the country,” he added.
For speaking out against his school’s destructive and abusive curriculum, Rossi is being punished. He is not being let back on campus and is instead being forced to conduct remote classes with students.
“They said they were not punishing me, but this feels like punishment,” Rossi said. “I want to go to the school and teach, but they want me to stay home next week.”
“They’re citing safety concerns at the school in order to prevent me from coming to teach. It’s not my concern, it’s theirs,” he added.
Big League Politics has reported on the prevalence of critical race theory across the country as the Left instills a genocidal mindset into the masses:
“Images leaked by an internal whistleblower show the blatantly racist and anti-white online training that Coca-Cola employees must undergo.
A former Democrat and self-described “unwoke activist” Karlyn Borysenko obtained the images and walked through them in a video posted to her YouTube channel.
The images come from a publicly available LinkedIn course titled “Confronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo,” meaning that Coca-Cola is far from the only company that forces their employees to take it.
Some of the images from the course can be seen below. One depicts a laundry list of what it means to be “less white,” such as being “less oppressive, arrogant, certain, defensive, [and] ignorant.” Another one covered in Karlyn’s video says that “one-time workshops on racism are not enough” and recommends establishing organizational practices like “monthly affinity groups, cross-racial discussions, ongoing professional development, [and] revamped interview questions that address racial issues.”‘
The public needs to muster their courage fast or civilization will be destroyed. The low IQ mob will reign supreme, and hundreds of years of mankind’s progress will be erased in the name of ‘equity.’