‘Team Mitch’ Alumnus Nick Sandmann Fires Controversial Defamation Attorney Lin Wood

Conservative activist Nicholas Sandmann, the former Covington Catholic student turned cheerleader for Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), has dropped high-profile defamation attorney Lin Wood after Wood made public statements about Sandmann on the Telegram social media platform.
“No client had abandoned me but I expect Nicholas Sandmann may do so as he be (sic) feeling the pressure from members of Mitch McConnell’s team on which Nicholas worked this election cycle,” Wood wrote in the Telegram post.
Wood’s prediction would soon come to pass as Sandmann made the public announcement on Monday that he is dropping Wood as his attorney.
Lin Wood has been terminated as counsel at this time. His comments about me are untrue, unfair, and unfounded.
— Nicholas Sandmann (@N1ckSandmann) January 26, 2021
Even though Wood says he has been abandoned by friends, family, and now one of his most high-profile clients, he intends to continue fighting against corruption no matter what the cost.
“Until and unless they silence me by imprisonments or death, I will not stop fighting for We the People, for honest elections, for freedom, and for the thousands of little children who are being abused, molested, and sacrificed for the demonic pleasures of very evil people in this world – including leaders in our government,” Wood wrote.
Sandmann posted Wood’s Telegram rant on Twitter as well:
— Nicholas Sandmann (@N1ckSandmann) January 25, 2021
Big League Politics has reported about the settlement that Wood helped Sandmann receive after he was slammed by the fake news media for smiling at a gin-soaked Indian after a Washington D.C. pro-life rally in 2019:
Fake news giant CNN settled the lawsuit filed against them by Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann today for an undisclosed sum following their biased coverage against the child last year.
Sandmann’s lawsuit sought $800 million from CNN as well as the Washington Post and NBC Universal for their alleged defamation of the student following the boy’s confrontation with far-left Indian activist Nathan Phillips. The cases against the WaPo and NBC are still active.
“This case will be tried not one minute earlier or later than when it is ready,” said Sandmann’s attorney Lin Wood.
Wood also claims that Gannett, the parent company behind the Enquirer, will be slapped with a lawsuit in the days to come. He says that Sandmann continues to suffer from “emotional distress, damage to reputation and distress to his family” as a result of the mistreatment by the fake news.
Last year, the coverage of Sandmann was a galvanizing moment among the Right against the fake news and the liberal hate machine that never hesitates to destroy a young white man’s life over a pack of lies.
While Sandmann may have been justified tossing Wood aside due to his radical and unhinged comments over the past several months, the proud Team Mitch alumnus seems to be building up his bona fides as a establishment Republican.