Texas GOP Leaders are Prancing Around with a DACA Recipient While Promoting Candidates

Why is the GOP continuing to allow a DACA recipient to be spokesmen for their causes?

Yvonne Larsen, the Publisher and Managing Editor of County Examiner, called attention to potential foreign meddling in Texas’s 7th congressional district.

She referenced photos taken of Harris County GOP precinct chairs along with a foreign national. These same officials have endorsed candidates across the state. Hilario Yanez, the foreign national in question, is a recipient of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Under this act, he is able to work and obtain a driver’s license, while being protected from deportation.

Since then, he has become a GOP spokesman. BLP previously covered Yanez’s involvement in Texas GOP politics.

Photos of Harris County GOP precinct chairs taken with a foreign national tied to endorsements of candidates for political office have emerged. Now, questions are being asked about foreign meddling in the March 2020 Texas CD-7 Congressional Republican primary race.
Larsen posted a photo by Harris County CD-7 GOP precinct 509 chair Gail Stolzenburg. In the photo, Stolzenburg identified Jeb Strickland, Precinct 625 chair and Jon Speiers, Precinct 87 chair.

Stolzenburg’s post also featured Shandon Phan, former candidate in the Texas CD-22 GOP primary, and Hilario Yanez, National Press Secretary for the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. 

Yanez is also connected to a Republican advisory board that listed a series of endorsements for Congressional and Judicial candidates before the March 2020 Super Tuesday GOP primary.

The GOP will need to get serious not only with the consistency of its messaging, but also in its legislative intent. It should not have people of questionable migration status as its representatives. Namely, the passage of key legislation such as an immigration moratorium.

If the Texas GOP doesn’t wake up to the voting patterns that come with mass migration, it can kiss civil liberties such as the right to bear arms and free speech goodbye.

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