THE ZUCKENING: Facebook REMOVES ‘God Emperor Trump’ Page AGAIN

The immensely popular “God Emperor Trump” Facebook page, which had over 330,000 ‘likes’ has been removed from Facebook.

Big League Politics reported over a month ago about this same Facebook page having issues with Facebook, as it was essentially rendered useless after all the admins were removed from the page. But Facebook reversed ended up correcting that issue, and  the page was allowed to operate for the entire month of April.

Yesterday, the page faced an even bigger issue than before. This time, the page was completely shut down with no explanation, or appeal process. Nobody on the page was notified, it just ceased to exist.

While the “God Emperor Trump” page may be controversial to those on the left, it by no means posted anything that could be construed as hateful. It was created by a college student with conservative views, who simply wanted a place to post about his support for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

This is just another example of a big tech company shutting down conservative voices with no explanation, just because they can.

If you would like to keep up with “God Emperor Trump,” they have a backup Facebook page, and a Twitter account you can follow.

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