This New Jersey Latino Went from Being a Bernie Bro to a Trump Supporter

Contrary to what the media say, there are Hispanics who support President Donald Trump in his re-election bid.

In a story for, the case of Marcos Marte, a former Bernie Sanders supporter in 2016 was put on display. As many disappointed Bernie supporters did after Hilary Clinton won the primaries in 2016, Marte left the Democratic Party and instead pulled the lever for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

Marte is the son of Dominican immigrants and will be voting for President Donald Trump this election cycle. He is doing so because of the president’s economic record before the Wuhan virus struck.  Additionally, Marte cited Trump’s tough border policies and stances on illegal immigration as another reason for why he’s voting for Trump.

“We have to elevate ourselves and I think Donald Trump is the only president that I’ve seen in my adult life that is putting America’s citizens’ values front forward,” declared Marte. “No matter what, we can still get out of where we are and empower ourselves to make our lives better … He is putting that right in front of us.”

While Marte’s comments may anger ethnic panderers, it’s indicative of a larger trend in the nation where Hispanics vote Democrat albeit at different rates depending on their nationality and the states they’re situated in. According to a Pew Research Center survey released in 2018, voters of Puerto Rican and Mexican origin leaned more Democratic. On the other hand, voters of Cuban descent tend to vote Republican.

Latinos are now the largest minority voting bloc in the country. 32 million will be eligible to vote in 2020 and states like New Jersey will have approximately 948,000 eligible voters according to the Pew Research Center’s findings.

Biden is projected to win a majority of the Hispanic voters in the national elections. A Pew report released earlier in October had Biden leading Trump among registered Hispanic voters 63 percent to 29 percent. However, certain polls in states such as Florida show a much more competitive race for Hispanic votes.

Marte used to be interested about Sanders’ free tuition for state colleges and universities plan. But now he finds immigration to be a more pressing issue. He is in favor of president Trump’s initiative to build a wall along the Mexican border in order to stymie sex trafficking and drug smuggling.

The New Jersey Trump supporter is one of many Hispanics who is drawn to the president because of his immigration policies. According to a Washington Post poll, 69 percent of Hispanics voiced their support for pausing immigration during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The media can pipe down about Trump’s immigration policies and their supposedly negative reception with Hispanics. This goes to show that Hispanics will never be the monolithic 80-20 vote that pundits and Democrat operatives want them to be. And that’s great for America.

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