Transgender Leader of California Republican Women’s Group is Forced to Resign After Massive Outrage

Gina Roberts, a transgender Republican from California, has resigned as leader of a California Republican Women’s group after public pressure.

MassResistance is taking credit for Roberts’ resignation. They are an organization that is on the forefront of the push back against LGBT insanity, including pedophiles grooming children through Drag Queen Story Hour events.

“Republican activists across California are grateful to MassResistance for taking on this battle. Many Republican women were extremely upset when they heard about this ridiculous, unnatural, and lunatic situation. But they felt alone and feared retribution by the often vicious RINO establishment,” they wrote in their declaration of victory against this psychotic degeneracy.

“MassResistance made it safe for them to speak their minds – and demand a stop to this outrageous and degrading situation. This may seem to have been a small battle in the larger scheme of things, but it represents something much bigger!” they added.

Big League Politics has reported on Roberts being pushed by the LGBT agenda as a sleeper cell to subvert the America First movement:

Roberts diverges immensely from conservative Republicans. Roberts received an award from the fake news media in San Diego for being “Newsmaker of the Year” in 2017, showing Johnson’s strong ties to the Left in California.

“I’m a great believer of if you don’t like the way things are to participate and try to change things from the inside. It’s very rewarding to serve the community and I love doing it. I love the Kiwanis and all of the service clubs in town are very cool,” Roberts said about their community activism.

Last year, Roberts became the first transgender Republican elected to public office as a Valley Center Fire Protection District Member. RINOs and far-left socialists gushed about Roberts on their successful campaign after having previously lost a school board race.

“Her being trans shows a strong signifier … that people are starting to understand that trans is OK. Doesn’t matter if you are Republican, Democrat, progressive. It doesn’t really matter,” said Josie Caballero, a transgender pro-Bernie Sanders Democrat who has run for state house in California.

“I want to congratulate Gina, and look forward to getting together after all the votes have been counted in our many close races in California,” said Jessica Millan Patterson, chair of the California Republican Party.

To get elected in California, Roberts jettisoned the economic policies typically associated with Republicans and adopted socialist pro-tax economics. Roberts lobbied unsuccessfully for the passage of Measure AA, a ballot initiative to increase property taxes to build more fire stations. Roberts lamented that they could not convince enough Republicans to support it.

“Would I be a better governor that Gavin Newsom? Well, I think Pee-wee Herman would be a better governor,” Roberts said about their political ambitions.

However, an op/ed written by Roberts showcased their contempt against Christians and demonstrated their opposition to Republicans in red states. This may be a window into what Roberts’ ideology is really all about.

In the article, Roberts admitted that their beliefs “may be a bit more Libertarian than Republican.” Roberts lamented about how Christians would not surrender to the LGBT agenda and sacrifice their sacred Biblical principles on the altar of tolerance.

“There are people within our party that are using their right to religious freedom, another fundamental right acknowledged in the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights, to impose their beliefs, their lack of tolerance, their “direction from God and His almighty word as presented in the Bible,” to cause hurt and harm to an entire sub-section of the national population,” Roberts wrote.

“I’m referring to the total distain and lack of understanding and denial of freedom for those people loosely referred to as being in the LGBTQIA community — Lesbian, Gay, BiSexual, Transgender, Queer (Questioning), Intersexed and Asexual,” Roberts added.

Roberts was triggered by Christian conservatives in the south railing against the rise of transgenderism. Roberts even went as far as to celebrate the win of far-left Virginia state delegate Danica Roem – a transgender Democrat – over long-time conservative stalwart Roger Marshall in 2017 on a purely identity politics basis.

“Robert Marshall in his 25 years in the Virginia House is best known for proposing a Transgender Bathroom Law, which died almost instantly in committee, but throughout his campaign he continually referred to his opponent using male pronouns, and generally disrespecting her because she is Transgender,” Roberts whined.”

Roberts’ resignation shows how grassroots agitation moves the conservative movement in the right direction. Transgenderism must never be accepted as a Republican value, or the movement will completely lose its soul.

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